Fonds européen de développement régional
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
In Ostrava, Czech Republic, as part of the CLAIRO project, two plots of land were afforested in the city's most polluted neighbourhood to improve air ...
The CLAIRO project of the City of Ostrava has been promoting the use of greenery for local air quality improvements. It was a pioneering initiative in...
When the goal is to capture air pollutants with newly planted urban vegetation at an industrial site exposed to various pollutant types, then proper g...
Research results indicate that low-cost air quality sensors offer an attractive alternative to conventional monitoring instruments, as they can be rob...
Outdoor air pollution is a major environmental health problem affecting almost everybody in the globe, as around 99% of the world's population live in...
The CLAIRO project demonstrates the positive impact of urban greenery on air quality. Apart from reducing air pollution, urban vegetation provides a r...
People-friendly cities can be developed by careful and smart planning of urban mobility, by combining hard surfaces with vegetation and water, or by a...
In the past 12 months CLAIRO project has entered its final phase with key project outputs starting to materialize. This third edition of CLAIRO Journa...
CLAIRO aspires to develop, test and disseminate a unique methodology for using greenery to improve locally urban air quality. With a view to summarize...
The general attitude towards air quality and urban greening is significantly influenced by age, level of education and gender. This was one of the key...
Urban greenery can be used for filtering air pollutants in an industrial area only as long as trees can survive or remain healthy for a longer time. I...
Green spaces in a city are particularly relevant in stormwater management, as they help absorb water decreasing runoff rates. During heavy downpours b...
According to a recently published international survey of the European Commission, Ostrava is one of those cities in Europe that have the most visible...
This is the second Journal of Tamas Kallay on the CLAIRO project covering an implementation period during which Ostrava was setting the scene for the ...
The first Zoom-in of the CLAIRO project explores how a low-cost, flexible sensor network with a high modularity supports the modelling of the future c...
The majority of the people in the Ostrava agglomeration are interested in air quality and consider the topic to be highly relevant. At the same time, ...
UIA Expert Tamas Kallay provides a first glimpse of the project’s challenges, lessons learnt and successes. ...
On 25.10.2023, the newly refurbished house in Mexikói út 11/B in Budapest's district Zugló was handed over to its 40 new residents within the framewor...
The mentoring programme for social housing tenants E-Co-Housing is about refurbishing an old building into an environmental-friendly, smart and inn...
How can a global sanitary crisis affect a single construction project in Budapest? A taste of the housing crisis in 2021 in Budapest: “The renta...
Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) and URBACT are joining forces to push the right to housing...
UIA Expert Annette Kuhk “elaborates on the ambitions of the E-Co-Housing project, with a zoom-in on the specific location (Gizella út), the programme ...
The BRICK-BEACH project is in a delicate situation due to problems related to the delay in obtaining the pertinent administrative authorizations and t...
Construction and demolition waste is always seen as one of the main barriers for implementing a circular economy. Instead, in Velez-Malaga they saw it...
In this 5th Journal, Miguel Lucena will guide you through the most relevant news of the last 6 months for BRICK-BEACH project. With the approval of th...
In this fourth Journal of BRICK-BEACH project, UIA Expert Miguel Lucena reports on the advancement of the project till March 2020. With the project at...
The first Zoom-in published in January 2019, was intended to give an overview of the BRICK-BEACH project and collect the opinion of the partners invol...
In the third Journal of BRICK-BEACH, UIA Expert Miguel Lucena shows how the project is currently overcoming some of the challenges related to its infr...
UIA Expert, Miguel Lucena, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
This second Journal of BRICK-BEACH reports on the advancement of the project till March 2019 and focuses on the activities realised in different areas...
“The workshop noises have disappeared, overalls too, replaced by white collars and screens and click workers”. Pierre Veltz, French territorial econo...
In this third journal, we will present a questioning about the replication and upscaling of the Earth Cycle model in the Parisian Region by placing it...
One of the key players of the project Earth Cycle is the urban developer as he is an end user and promotor of new technologies. ...
UIA Expert Youssef Diab presents “the major recent evolution of the project, regarding the new implementation site and the business model (partnership...
Policy context, objectives, current questions and future perspective of Sevran’s project....
One of the components within the Urban Soil 4 Food (US4F) project in Maribor has been the support to innovative products in the field of circular econ...
The Urban Soil 4 Food (US4F) project reached its end, and this last Journal aims at reconstructing its journey and the impacts it has reached. The Cit...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti reports on the period between February and November 2020 during which “all sorts of contests were carried out for the product...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti explores Maribor’s experience with “what has happened to the urban gardens, mainly focusing on the possibilities of the futur...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti provides details how Maribor “wants to improve the local food distribution chain through the development of an online platfor...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti reports that “Urban Soil 4 Food has entered the operational phase! Just like the preparation of the soil for the planting, ju...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti “explores the importance of soil and how the project is creating new one through urban organic and construction waste (excava...
Get to know what Maribor is doing in the first UIA Expert journal!...
Maribor is ready to open up for the next stage of the project! ...
This journal focuses on the post-project phase of APPLAUSE. What activities have continued now that the project has officially finished? How partners ...
UIA Expert Jorgina Cuixart shares insights around the APPLAUSE business models. Take a look at Zoom-in 3 and learn more about Ljubljana’s case study o...
UIA Expert Jorgina Cuixart reports “COVID-19 has had a noticeable effect on APPLAUSE and the plans the consortium had for this last phase of project i...
UIA expert Jorgina Cuixart reveals how “APPLAUSE is heading towards the last few months of implementation. Some activities such as the harvesting camp...
UIA Expert Jorgina Cuixart reports that “after two years since the start of the project, most processes and planned activities in APPLAUSE are up and ...
UIA Expert Jorgina Cuixart reveals how “through a variety of educational and awareness raising actions, citizens are encouraged to participate in diff...
Check out Ljubljana’s initial steps in the first UIA Expert journal...
In her first Zoom-in, UIA Expert Jorgina Cuixart presents Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPS) and their impact on cities. ...
Ljubljana has been progressing in the development of its circular model for IAPS management. ...
The article summarizes the project implementation and comments the most important problems that occurred during the project. Despite the difficulties,...
The fifth edition of the Journal describes and analyses the progress of the Urban Infra Revolution (UIR) project in the last six months, from March 20...
3D modelling makes it easier for citizens to understand and comment on planned developments in the Urban Infra Revolution project. The use of modern A...
In this fourth edition of the Journal, UIA Expert Kinga Korniejenko describes and analyses the progress of the Urban infra revolution project from Oct...
The second zoom-in of Urban Infra Revolution, UIA Expert Kinga Korniejenko focus on exploring the technology of 3D printing geopolymer composites and ...
The third Journal of Urban Infra Revolutions describes and analyses the progress of the project in the last six months, from March 2019 to end of Sept...
The development of a new kind of circulative geopolymer composite material based on side streams of local industries is strongly promoted by the Urban...
UIA Expert, Kinga Korniejenko, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented....
In the second edition of the Urban infra revolution Journal, UIA Expert Kinga Korniejenko provides an overview of the development of the project by fo...
Making the construction sector circular is one of the main challenge for the implementation of a full circular economy. The Urban Infra Revolutions pr...
The work on Lahti Direction combines transport and land-use planning in a new way, and builds a sustainable city in cooperation with citizens, stakeho...
In his 3rd journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months, which included a stimulating and enr...
In his 6th and concluding journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes the final results and takeaways from the project, which includes the ...
In his 5th journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months which saw the start of the transition...
CityCap is getting a lot of attention, both EU- and internationally-wise. It was awarded with the Gitex 2019 Smart City series (biggest technology exh...
In his 4th journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months, which included the testing and user ...
UIA Expert, Philip Turner, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
This Zoom-in aims to take a critical view of personal carbon trading (PCT), outlining some of its core components with a particular focus on the chal...
In his 2nd journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months, which included a stimulating and enr...
Super Circular Estate (SCE) Project illustrated potential of reactivation of resources within existing built environments and helped us understand bet...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic interviews Michiel Ritzen from ZUYD University on the monitoring process of the Super Circular Estate project and its resul...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic explains how the “three new houses have been constructed by reusing more than 90% of materials from the existing building a...
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic tells us how “the SCE consortium is already finalising the construction phase of the three new houses made of reused materi...
One of the lessons learned from Kerkrade’s project “regarding future buildings, is that reuse potential of building products need to be embodied into ...
The UIA Expert unveils Kerkrade’s initial achievements in the first journal....
UIA Expert Elma Durmisevic zooms into the differences between circular and conventional building process through interviews with the key members of th...
Take a look at the latest developments around Kerkrade’s project. ...
The A2UFood project proposes a holistic approach to food waste management in the Municipality of Heraklion. It includes food waste reduction (awarenes...
Digital tools, bioplastics laboratory trials, composting, awareness raising, dissemination and tendering have progressed. Heraklion is getting ready f...
UIA Expert Christina Marouli goes into the details of the RESOURCEMANAGER-FOOD (RMF) tool for the hospitality units....
UIA Expert Christina Marouli reveals that in the past months, Heraklion’s “primary focus has been the resolution of licensing and tendering challenges...
UIA Expert Christina Marouli reports that “this third period constituted a continuation of the first year, with the primary focus being on implementat...
Get to know the initial achievements of Heraklion in the first UIA Expert journal....
The first Zoom-in of the A2UFood project has just been finalised! UIA Expert Christina Marouli presents the many different dimensions of the problem o...
Discover the latest updates around Heraklion’s project. ...
The final version of the TMaaS project Journal...
The present fourth edition of the TMaaS Journal aims to provide interested readers with information concerning the project’s final achievements and re...
TMaaS web article No 5 - The TMaaS products ...
TMaaS web article No 4 - Interview with Sophie Gillaerts, the TMaaS project coordinator...
TMaaS web article No 3 - TMaaS Replicator City program Part 2: lessons learnt...
TMaaS web article No 2 - TMaaS Replicator City program Part 1: process and results...
TMaaS web article No 1 - TMaaS notifications for travellers...
In his first Zoom-In, UIA TMaaS expert Dr. Evangelos Mitsakis, presents an animated story that highlights the decisions that travelers need to take on...
UIA Expert, Sofia Taborda, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
The 2nd TMaaS Journal accompanies the project in its past half year of progress. By giving an account of the main activities and achievements of each ...
In her 6th and concluding journal of LINC, UIA expert Dr. Anna Pernestål describes the final results and takeaways from the project, which include the...
A dialogue with the test design coordinator in the LINC project by Anna Pernestål, UIA Expert for the TUPPAC-LINC project 5first zoom in)...
The six months long test with self-driving shuttles at DTU Campus has just ended, and in journal 5 we summarize the first learnings from these tests....
Shared mobility services that utilize novel technology such as digitalization and automated driving can contribute to sustainable traveling, decreased...
In Journal 4 we analyze the progress towards getting the self-driving buses ready to run in the LINC project. In particular, we explore challenges enc...
In her zoom-in, Linc UIA Expert Anna Pernestal, develops an infographic that compares the current autonomous vehicle approval framework between Denmar...
In her 2nd journal of TUPPAC, UIA expert Anna Pernestal gives us a taste of how the project has progressed in the last months, focusing on the operati...
UIA Expert, Dr. Anna Pernestål, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
In her 3rd journal, UIA expert Anna Pernestal guides us through the progress of the LINC-TUPPAC project during the last six months, focusing on the pr...
This last journal of the UIA Antwerp Circular South project accounts for the evolution of the project after UIA funding was stopped. It details the di...
This Zoom-In presents the different features of the solar energy system in Antwerp Circular South as well as the challenges it has faced due to the cu...
“The Antwerp Circular South project is entering its final stage in strange times. As the rest of society, it has been affected by the current Covid-19...
UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau reveals that “some specific aspects are becoming more prominent now: showing the added value to both residents and owner...
UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau reveals how “the Circular South Project started with their “nudging experiments” to test innovative ways of supporting c...
In her latest Journal, UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau reports that “almost everything is ready, and the experimentation can start. It is finally becomi...
UIA Expert, Marcelline Bonneau, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
Antwerp Circular South has begun unfolding. ...
Read the opinion of Marcelline Bonneau, UIA expert for the Antwerp Circular South project, on supporting sustainable consumption practices....
UIA Expert Marcelline Bonneau presents the first steps of CIRCUIT – the Circular South Community Centre. As she explains, “the Antwerp Circular South ...
The Vilawatt currency, which is born from the European project of energy transition Vilawatt, is not a currency in itself isolated from the project, b...
The VILAWATT project was implemented to secure a stable energy transition process through the setting of an innovative governance structure (local pub...
UIA Expert Lucia Fuselli has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Viladec...
Get to know better what Viladecans is doing on the topic energy transition in this UIA Expert journal....
UIA Expert Lucia Fuselli has developed a PPT slide show to discuss how the Vilawatt project in Viladecans has approached communication, stakeholder pa...
Stay up-to-date with the latest achievements of Viladecans...
Vilawatt is currently considered to be a Spanish example in social innovation and community energy, at a time when energy poverty and energy access ar...
Get to know better what Paris is doing on energy transition in this UIA Expert journal. ...
UIA Expert Juan de las Cuevas has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Pa...
Get the latest news about Paris’ innovative action...
UIA Expert Juan Ramon de las Cuevas and the CoRDEES team have produced a video to explain the main elements of this Energy transition project. ...
UIA Expert Zeno Winkels provides insights on the legacy of the FED project one year after its successful end. As he mentions: “The main legacy of the ...
UIA Expert Zeno Winkels describes how “at the Chalmers campus in Gothenburg, the 6500 kW steam boiler was installed, as well as the more novel PCM (Ph...
On the last day of October 2019, the Fossil-free Energy Districts (FED) project will be completed. The collaboration has, during three years, designed...
Get to know better what Gothenburg is doing on the topic energy transition in this UIA Expert journal....
UIA Expert Zeno Winkels has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Gothenbu...
Check out how Gothenburg is implementing effective cross departmental working....
The UIA Expert Zeno Winkels has produced a video to discuss what UIA is and explain the main elements of this Energy transition project....
Gothenburg is heading towards a successful closure. ...
This report provides an overview of the 2023 activities for the INNOAIR project, spearheaded by Sofia, Bulgaria, and supported by the Urban Innovative...
This journal summarizes the progress of activities of the project INNOAIR implemented by the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, with the support of the Urban In...
This final Journal provides an overview of the progress and long-term impact of the Air-Break project in Ferrara, focusing on the key components that ...
Citizen science, a method that brings non-experts into the fold of scientific research and data collection, has emerged as a powerful tool in addressi...
Air-Break's comprehensive dataset transforms Ferrara's urban planning, providing real-time air quality and mobility insights....
In this Zoom-In, UIA Expert Pietro L. Verga navigates through the transformative impact of FBK's Air-Break Sustainable Mobility Motivational Campaigns...
With the project approaching its end in December 2023, this Journal Nr. 3 reflects on a number of core lessons learnt during the implementation of Air...
In the pursuit of creating smarter and more sustainable urban environments, the Air-Break Ferrara project has embarked on a mission to revolutionize t...
How to actively engage youth, researchers, and experts in exploring innovative solutions to contemporary environmental challenges? ...
Through a set of playful activities and gamified rewarding campaigns, the Air-Break project sets to bring about positive change in citizens’ mobility ...
In order to better understand the commuting practices, habits, and trends of Ferrara’s citizens and city-users, and ultimately to inform policy decisi...
This second Journal focuses on the achievements of- and challenges for all the core realms of the Air-Break project until October 2022....
Since March 2022, a new urban forest is growing in Ferrara, thanks to the plantation of nearly two-thousands trees and shrubs in five selected areas o...
The Air-Break project seeks to reduce by 25% air-pollution in selected strategic areas of the City of Ferrara. The city lays in one of the most air-po...
The air we breathe can contain a variety of pollutants released into the atmosphere as a mixture of solid particles, liquid droplets, and gases from a...
In Brussels, nine out of ten families with children rely on cars. Cargo bikes offer a sustainable alternative for school runs, groceries, and more. Di...
As cargo bikes gain popularity, Brussels is addressing the challenges of parking, theft, and accessibility through innovative policies and collaborati...
In European cities, up to 50% of urban trips for professional activities could be made by cargo bike, yet many lack the awareness, infrastructure, and...
Incorporating partner feedback, the second edition of the journal traces the progress of each challenge, documents enhancements, and outlines actionab...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed to boost measures being applied by Brussels Capital Region to structurally improve air quality in the city. It tar...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed to boost measures, being applied by the Brussels Capital Region to structurally improve air quality in the city. I...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed as a tool to help tackle persistent conditions of poor and damaging air quality experienced in many European citie...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed to boost measures being applied by the Brussels Capital Region to structurally improve air quality in the city. It...
Final Journal on the UIA RE/SOURCED Project...
Our third RE/SOURCED Journal, covering Q1 2023 to Q1 2024...
This articles considers whether there is a link between circularity and carbon emissions. It also uses the RE/SOURCED project as an exemplar to show ...
RE/SOURCED aimed to construct a DC Smart Grid using circular principles at Transfo, a former coal fired power station site in Belgium. The original pr...
This video presents the second ZOOM-IN article for RE/SOURCED. It summarises the progress made by the project consortium in delivering the RE/Sourced...
RE/SOURCED is defined by a number of innovative but highly technical aspects of the project. This article presents a different perspective - the proj...
This article presents the second UIA Journal for Renewable Energy SOlutions for URban communities based on Circular Economy policies and DC backbones...
Energy Communities have had considerable press coverage recently and RE/SOURCED always had an Energy Community as one of the integral elements of its ...
This article sets out the regulatory challenges faced by the RE/SOURCED project team and the steps taken to overcome them. It highlights how regulatio...
This article describes the key elements of the RE/SOURCED Smart Grid...
UIA RE/SOURCED Journal - 1...
This is the fourth and last journal for the UIA project DIAMS (Digital Alliance for Marseille Sustainability). The Aix Marseille Métropole has led thi...
Monitoring and evaluating the impact of projects is essential to determine the success in implementing the action plan, achieving the objectives, and ...
This is the third journal for the UIA DIAMS (Digital Alliance for Marseille Sustainability) project led by the Aix Marseille Métropole. In terms of a...
The UIA DIAMS project, led by the Aix-Marseille Métropole, aims to engage the different parts of the society to improve the policies related to air qu...
This second journal discusses the challenging times faced in this exceptional year, marked by the Covid-19 global pandemic, and how the DIAMS partners...
The UIA DIAMS project, lead by the Aix Marseille Metropole, aims to engage the different parts of the society to improve the air quality problems in t...
In this first journal about the DIAMS project, UIA Expert Anna Font provides a general overview of how DIAMS fits within the existing European, French...
The Living lab opened its doors in October 2019 in Aix-en-Provence, one of the main cities of the Aix Marseille Metropole. It was conceived to be an i...
Breda's GreenQuays project served as a pioneering initiative to infuse more nature into the densely built medieval city centre by revitalising the riv...
Green Quays offers valuable lessons for harmonising urban developments with the desires and needs of their citizens. It has been a radically innovativ...
It is done! September 2023 – the GreenQuays have been built. In the middle of Breda, a new stretch of the river Mark has been uncovered and a new type...
The third Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project continues to deal with seven general implementation challenges of innovative project as well ...
The main innovative feature of the GreenQuays in Breda is to build them nature-inclusive. For achieving this, the construction will lay the foundation...
This Zoom in 2 looks into the experience, challenges and lessons learned with developing the multifunctional design and the implementation. Can it be ...
While most of the innovative tasks of planning the quays and testing different technical solutions have finished, GreenQuays is still running with the...
After 2,5 years of preparation the construction of the GreenQuays has started end of June 2022. A first stretch of the covered river Mark in Breda‘s c...
Breda is on the way to re-open its first pilot section of the broader river Mark projects, in which the city will bring back the old river Mark in the...
GreenQuays will be a first stretch of the reopened River Mark project in the city centre. The project will enable nature to take the space despite t...
The second Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project continues to deal with the seven major implementation challenges of innovative projects....
Building nature-inclusive quays is the task of the GreenQuays project and, at the same time, its challenge. How can nature be offered space in a dense...
The mindset on designing and using public urban space has changed in Breda in the 1990’s. Earlier, the city had decided to cover completely the origin...
Nature-Inclusive Quays (NIQ) are the core of innovative solutions of the GreenQuays project in Breda. The vertical quay walls of the reopened river Ma...
The first Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project deals with seven major implementation challenges of innovative projects....
Coming to the GreenQuays project team in Breda for the first time in June 2020, I have been hooked by the creative design of the planned nature-inclus...
Breda is a lovely city. The dense middle-age centre has many small streets and places to stroll around. This density does, however, leave only little ...
This final journal provides an assessment of the DIACCESS project. It starts with brief update of the activities in the DIACCESS project since it’s en...
There is a lot of work to be done in digitalization, in the private and the public sector. Companies and governments everywhere are doing their best t...
Digital technology can make household waste collection in cities more efficient and speed up the circular transition. Putting sensors in waste bins ca...
Executive Summary The project has entered its extension stage; the digital lab and IT platform are completed. Three innovation partnership procurem...
This zoom-in focuses on the challenge of upscaling, with illustrative examples from the DIACCESS project. In that project, the Swedish city of Växjö i...
This article reviews how the cities of Växjö and Amsterdam adopt innovative procurement methods, and the challenges they face. ...
This zoom-in focuses on the innovation partnership (IP) model. This model opens new avenues for public bodies, including cities, to co-create solution...
This journal provides an update of the progress of the project at the time of writing (November 2021) in the three main domains: the innovative public...
A cornerstone of the DIACCESS project in Växjö is to run a series of innovative public procurement (IPP) processes/rounds, in which companies are aske...
This journal gives an account of the first experiences in the DIACCESS project in Växjö, Sweden...
If a soccer field is covered with a thick layer of snow, it’s better to close it for use or remove the snow; otherwise the field gets broken and repai...
The Prato Urban Jungle project has come to an end! It has been a very long journey, the project has overcome a series of challenges (from a pandemic...
Over the past years an increasing attention towards environmental justice is gaining more public attention through media, activism and civic participa...
The PUJ project has continued experimenting and testing nature-based solution to create urban jungles and forests in Prato! ...
The PUJ project in Prato has been selected as one of the twelve good practice cities within the study on Integrated Territorial Development (ITD) as p...
Recently the City of Prato was recognised under the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, which offers a great potential towards the upscal...
The Prato Urban Jungle project tested nature based solutions (NBS) in different pilot sites of the city in order to carry out innovative strategies to...
Within the Prato Urbact Jungle project, Legambiente developed the "Create Your Own Jungle" course, where during the classes, participants learnt how t...
The green interventions at “Nuovo Ospedale Santo Stefano'' of Prato will create a new urban park within the city bridging the gap between health and b...
Legambiente is a non-profit association, made up of citizens who care about the protection of the environment in all its forms, the quality of life an...
Prato Forest City is the new strategic approach to urban planning, developed by the Municipality of Prato....
greenApes is a digital platform that engages and rewards actions and sustainable lifestyles: users accumulate reward points through their sustainable ...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti focuses her first journal on presenting the main objectives of the Prato Urban Jungle project, the pilot sites, the consortiu...
Prato Urban Jungle – PUJ – project will renew its city districts with greater social, productive and environmental dimensions turning itself into an u...
The most important goal achieved by the Upper Project is that knowledge of NbSs and their potential impact on marginal areas has been gained by the lo...
The Productive parks and Demonstration sites included in the Upper project today represent milestones from which the current and future government of ...
The results of the UPPER project demonstrate how NbS (Nature Based Solutions) offer the opportunity to practice transdisciplinary dialogues, to spread...
There were various environmental critical issues highlighted by the UPPER project for the territory of the Municipality of Latina, for which a range o...
The Canale delle Acque Medie (The Canal of the Middle Waters) symbolizes an element of structural interest for the urban center of Latina, representin...
After the success of the 2021 edition, the 2022 UPPER SEEDs were kicked off on 13 June. The activities in which citizens, schools and all those who h...
The selection of participants in the second edition of UPPER JOBS has been completed. The participants selected by the Labirinto Social Cooperative ha...
Thanks to the creation of two innovative platforms developed by the partners and integrated into a common observatory, the UPPER project is able to co...
The Journal is aimed to describe the activities of the UPPER project and the results achieved during the first period of implementation. It also descr...
UPPER project aims at transforming misused and abandoned urban green areas into Productive Parks (PP) devoted to research, technological development a...
This Journal 1 of the Green Minds project is providing insights on the first significant advancements in favour of rewilding and nature-based solution...
How the implementation of the Green Minds project successfully continued over the tough period of the pandemic by seizing the embedded opportunities ...
The Sevilla CartujaQanat program is by design, an ambitious and particularly relevant program for regions facing extreme heat phenomena and for urban ...
This zoom-in article focuses on the New Governance and Social Innovation component of the project Cartuja-Qanat in Sevilla, which aims to propose an i...
Sevilla in Spain, will be the battleground of Europe for extreme urban heat. A pilot space containing an amphitheatre, an underground gallery and open...
While images of empty cities made the world-tour and provoked understandable owe, empty and limited public space is in fact an imminent if not ever-pr...
The Metropolitan Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Sevilla (EMASESA) is the coordinating Partner in the Urban Innovative Actions Program ‘Cartuja...
In this Journal, UIA Experts Kostantina Karidi explores the achievements of the first year of the Sevilla CartujaQanat project across eight selected g...
RESILIO was completed in April 2022 and the developed roofs are flourishing. A year and a half later, we explore the legacy the project left behind fo...
While RESILIO roofs contribute to climate adaptation (heat, flooding, biodiversity), we need to be sure that the green infrastructure is drought proof...
Finalised roof of the Premselahuis Innovation Lab, used to test alternative design options and evaluate their efficiency. ...
A stepped process to evaluate the true potential of adaptive-blue green roofs for reducing flood risk ...
Why, how and when to engage citizens in the development of NBS? what are the challenges of engagement to be aware off?...
This is the 2nd Journal article describing progress of the RESILIO activities and associated implementation challenges. The purpose is to provide a nu...
Photo of the De Boel smart blue-green roof at Amsterdam Zuid (photo credits: De Dakdokters)...
Through an analysis and contextualization of the 7 implementation challenges, UIA expert Leon Kapetas presents the RESILIO project, which aims to deve...
RESILIO is the new Climate Adaptation project that takes place in Amsterdam and will install 10,000 m2 of Blue-Green Roofs on social housing complexes...
In this zoom-in, the issue of outdoor and indoor air quality in schools is discussed on the occasion of the project GBG_A2CC of the City of Barcelona....
This Web article presents a blueprint of actions for cities to draft their own adaptation plan to climate change, also exploiting their local knowledg...
Evaluation is an indispensable component of any project, especially innovation ones. It provides an understanding of the reliability of the applied me...
In this Web Article, the upscaling plan of the Climate Shelters project of the City of Barcelona is presented. The plan reflects a vision, namely to c...
The Journal (the 3rd for the Climate Shelters project) aims to provide an overview of the progress of the Climate Shelters project, with emphasis give...
In a world that’s becoming increasingly complex, there is a need to prepare especially young people for a future that will require good knowledge, an ...
In this Web Article, the approach of the City of Barcelona towards the development of Performance Indicators as tools for Adaptation to Climate Change...
Protecting citizens at the neighbourhood scale in the event of heat waves is at the core of the Climate Shelters project of the City of Barcelona. Rea...
It is only 10 am but air temperature in Barcelona is already high; another heat wave has hit the city, causing the further enhancement of the heat isl...
Image of the Can Fabras school yard following the conversion of the school to Climate Shelter ...
This zoom in focuses on a challenging feature of the Barcelona “Climate Shelters” UIA project, namely the methodology and criteria for the selection o...
To connect with people and communicate climate change effectively, one should convey more than climate facts to people. Instead, there is a need to un...
Image of Barcelona by Kaspars Upmanis on Unsplash...
In this journal, UIA Expert Constantinos Cartalis provides a contextualization of the Climate Shelters project within the policy context of the Europe...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to improve the City of Portici’s knowledge on local air pollution, through monitoring and modeling air quality, so that the city can...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to address air pollution in the City of Portici. A key element of the project is actively engaging citizens throughout the process. ...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to address air pollution in Portici. A key element of the project is actively engaging citizens throughout the process. In this cont...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to improve the City of Portici’s knowledge on local air pollution so that the city can more effectively address this issue. More spe...
This second Journal presents AIR-HERITAGE key achievements to date and describes how the various challenges faced, have evolved over time, as well as ...
The first AIR-HERITAGE zoom-in focuses on the technical aspects of the project. It aims to present the Decision Support Tool developed for supporting ...
Andriana Stavrakaki, UIA expert for the AIR-HERITAGE project, in this journal edition describes the measures put in place by the City of Portici to ov...
It was not in the plan of the IGNITION project, but under the COVID 19 restrictions, the project had to review its citizen engagement activities. It h...
Over the course of the IGNITION project, it became evident that not only the financing schemes and business models to implement nature-based solutions...
After three years of intensive work, the IGNITION project came to an end in spring 2022. It started with the idea of developing innovative financing m...
The goal of IGNITION, which started in November 2018, was to develop innovative financing schemes for the implementation of large-scale nature-based s...
Over summer 2021, the IGNITION partner Groundworks in collaboration with the charity We love Manchester organized a competition among local communitie...
With roughly half a year left to its end, the project’s results are taking shape, such as the fully functioning Living Lab with its multiple interconn...
Unlocking innovative sources of finance for nature-based solutions is a critical but challenging goal facing many city regions across Europe....
The multiple and immensely negative impacts of the COVID-19 crisis are felt almost everywhere and at all times. When the IGNITION project started in 2...
“The Living Lab at the University of Salford will be a critical element of the project.” That is what I was told at the beginning of the IGNITION proj...
IGNITION is mid-way on its journey to develop innovative financing for nature-based solutions. In this 2nd Journal, UIA expert Birgit Georgi sees a su...
Finding innovative solutions goes beyond business as usual approaches, though the driving partner might lack the specific skills and expertise require...
First Zoom In of the UIA project IGNITION and visualisation of the project’s citizen engagement activities....
In her 1st Journal, Birgit Georgi, UIA expert of the GSIP project, discusses all key activities that you need to know about, what the project is about...
IGNITION aims to develop innovative financing of nature-based solutions for climate resilience. The lead partner Greater Manchester Combined Authority...
After closing in April 2022, the UIA HOPE project leaves behind a lasting legacy. The project piloted in Helsinki a next generation of air quality mon...
UIA Expert Alena Bartonova shares insights about the first months of implementation: “the first 16 months were dedicated to development of the complex...
In this article the UIA expert Elsa Pastor delves into the significance of prescribed fire, an activity initially programmed in GUARDIAN, a vital comp...
In this article the UIA expert Elsa Pastor digs into the ecosystem services’ valuation of La Vallesa forest to demonstrate the economic viability of t...
In this zoom-in the UIA expert Elsa Pastor digs into the participatory approach that GUARDIAN has implemented to engage communities within the global ...
In this article we show the main features of the monitoring, control and intelligence system that Medi XXI has designed for the GUARDIAN project. This...
In this article we provide all the details of the GUARDIAN official opening event that took place at Riba-roja and Paterna last April 7th. It was a gr...
In the third Journal of the Guardian project UIA expert Elsa Pastor reports on project progress during year 2021. She also analyses cross-cutting impl...
In this Zoom-in we summarize the conversation that we had with Ferran on less visible yet important aspects of the GUARDIAN project. During the interv...
In this article we present a preliminary overview of the methods and challenges that prof. Francesc Hérnandez and his team at Universitat de València ...
The main axis on which GUARDIAN's integrated fire management strategy pivots is the construction of green firebreaks, a fire management infrastructure...
GUARDIAN works are progressing at full speed this spring, as the initial commissioning of the entire hydraulic infrastructure is expected in 3 months’...
In the second Journal of the Guardian project UIA expert Elsa Pastor reports on project progress during year 2020. She also analyses cross-cutting imp...
Automatic preventive irrigation through water canyons is one of the several fire management actions that GUARDIAN is implementing at La Vallesa Wildla...
Water scarcity is increasing in many European countries, being the climate change crisis and the growing water demand in urban areas their main driver...
In her 1st Journal, Elsa Pastor, UIA expert of the GUARDIAN project, discusses all key activities that you need to know about GUARDIAN, what the proje...
While fire has been one of the most relevant elements for the advancement of mankind, paradoxically it has also been -and still is- the responsible fo...
In spring 2023, the OASIS Schoolyard project concluded with its UIA pilot phase of transforming and evaluating the performance of 10 schoolyards. Toda...
Four School Directors share their experiences of being in charge of a not-so-mainstream schoolyard that introduces a new role of this outdoor space in...
The City of Paris, in collaboration with the CAUE75 - the consortium partner responsible for the design of the schoolyards’ transformation, has compil...
Leveraging on the experience gained by transforming other OASIS Schoolyards this past year, the OASIS partnership decided to explore a different parti...
In her first Zoom-in, Maria Sitzoglou, UIA Expert for the OASIS Schoolyards project, presents the project journey from the co-design phase until the a...
The vision for healthy and cohesive neighborhoods lies at the heart of the OASIS Schoolyards project. As 9 out of 10 schoolyards are now transformed, ...
In her 1st Journal, Maria Sitzoglou, UIA expert of the OASIS project, discusses all key activities that you need to know about it, what the project is...
The AirQon solution is fundamentally based on community participation. It is a crowdsourced powering solution for events. Therefore, engagement is the...
Breda Barst is an extraordinary example of innovative spirit, sustainable commitment, and collaborative approach. Just as AirQon is! But, why is Breda...
In 2019 everything was ready for La Vuelta to depart from the Netherlands for the 2020 edition, and with this, it was planned to pass through Breda. W...
Diesel generators are the main source of environmental pollution in events. In fact, mitigating their effects is the raison d'être of the AIRQON proje...
An event organizer may have heard about AIRQON but, what about taking a step forward and considering using it? AIRQON, apart from being a sustainable ...
The objective of this Zoom-in 2 is to delve into the role that the community plays in AIRQON as a crowd powered solution. This is not performed from a...
AIRQON: A new paradigm in improving local air quality...
One of the best practices done in this way is the organization of a social media giveaway with the aim of attracting the attention of target groups to...
A crowd-powered energy solution like AIRQON is inextricably linked to the community. It does not matter how sophisticated it may be technically. If th...
The AirQon solution is a versatile powering option for eventual energy demands, with a first class set of potential applications. This means that AirQ...
In this Journal, UIA Expert Javier Leiva reveals that “AIRQON is facing a short future conditioned by getting back to normality. Meanwhile, the activi...
The purpose of my first visit to the city of Breda was to learn firsthand about the AIRQON project. Anyone may think that a technology-based project l...
Diving into technical details of AIRQON solution...
How is a typical event with AIRQON in Breda?...
UIA Expert Javier Leiva reveals how the Breda project addresses the first implementation challenges: “One of the key aspects being addressed is the pa...
Many municipalities all over the world turn to the Internet of Things (IoT) in order to prevent environmental deterioration, mitigate traffic congesti...
Circular Economy is at the centre of many UIA projects. At the moment, UIA funds eight projects within the topic of Circular Economy under Call 2. Out...
The INNOAIR Podcast episode #4 is covering the on-demand green public transport service that he Bulgarian capital of Sofia has started to test with a ...
INNOAIR Podcast Episode #3 presents the concept of Sofia Coin, a smart phone app that rewards its users for walking and cycling instead of driving whi...
INNOAIR Podcast Episode #2 is covering the opportunities and challenges of using artificial intelligence in managing sustainable on-demand mobility so...
INNOAIR Podcast Episode #1 is reporting on a hackathon aimed at ideas and solutions making Sofia's urban mobility smart and green....
In this podcast series I will be discussing the concrete experience, challenges and learnings of the Urban Innovative Actions project Air-Break Ferrar...
UIA Expert Pietro L. Verga interviews Gabriele Mengozzi (HERA Group) on the main features of the Smart Hubs developed in Ferrara to support and facili...
The Smart Bike Lane is part of the infrastructural upgrades plan through which the Air-Break project is facilitating slow mobility within the city of ...
This Zoom-In describes in detail the participatory air-quality monitoring system designed and implemented by the AIR BREAK Ferrara project....
Join us in this podcast as we delve into the groundbreaking cAIRgo Bike project, an initiative transforming Brussels with cargo bikes to improve air q...
The GreenQuays project in Breda aims to develop and establish nature-inclusive quays. Although it was not in focus when developing the project, this Z...
The City of Prato is experimenting urban forestation strategies through the Prato Urban Jungle (PUJ) project . The project foresees three pilot areas ...
The territory changes with physical work, but also through the story, the memory, the imagination of change. The UPPER stories are a collection of n...
Keeping the balance between doing too much and not doing enough is challenging, implicitly necessitating an overall integrated perspective and strateg...
How the Green Minds team aims to put nature at the heart of our decision making; encouraging individual connection with nature and a city-wide shift t...
In his 2nd Zoom-in, Constantinos Cartalis, UIA Expert for the Climate Shelters (Adapting Schools to Climate Change through green, blue and grey Soluti...
In this Zoom-in, UIA expert Birgit Georgi tells how the IGNITION project triggered the creation of new businesses, business segments and more jobs; ...
This Zoom-in reflects on the lessons learned in the IGNITION project on the way to find wider options for local authorities – despite challenges - to ...
A core element of the IGNITION innovation project is the Living Lab at the campus of the University of Salford. Here, different nature-based solutions...
In the 1st zoom-in of the GUARDIAN project, UIA expert Elsa Pastor dives into the first piece of water infrastructure designed and implemented in GUAR...
Ostrava_CLAIRO_Journal 1 (March 2020)
Budapest_E-Co Housing_Journal 1 (May 2020)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_Journal 4 (March 2020)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_UIAExpertJournal2 (March 2019)
Velez-Malaga_BRICK-BEACH_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
BRICK-BEACH Project Journal 5
Sevran_Earth Cycle_Journal 2 (May 2020)
Sevran_Earth Cycle_UIAExpert Journal 1 (March 2019)
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Journal 4 (March 2020)
Maribor_Urban Soil4Food_How to set pu a short foodchain distribution platform?
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Zoom-in 1 (Dcb 2019)
Maribor_Urban Soil 4 Food_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Maribor_Urban Soil 4 Food_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Urban Soil 4 Food @Maribor - Journal 5
Ljubljana_APPLAUSE_UIAExpert Journal (Octb 2019)
Ljubljana_APPLAUSE_Zoom-in 2
Ljubljana_APPLAUSE_UIAExpertJournal 2 (March 2019)
Ljubljana_APPLAUSE_UIA Expert Zoom-in 1
Ljubljana_APPLAUSE_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Nvb 2018)
Ljubljana Journal 4: Preparing the legacy of APPLAUSE
Lappeenranta-UrbanInfraRevolution_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Lappeenranta_UrbanInfraRevolution_Zoom in 1
Lappeenranta_UrbanInfraRevolution_UIAExpertJournal2 (March 2019)
Lappeenranta_UrbanInfraRevolution_UIAExpertJournal1 (Octb 2018)
Lahti_CitiCap_Journal 4 (March2020)
Lahti_CitiCAP_UIAExpertJournal 2 (March 2019)
Lahti_CitiCAP_Zoom-in 1
Lahti_CitiCAP_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nbv 2018)
Citicap @Lahti - Journal 5
Kerkrade_SuperCircularEstate_UIAExpert Journal (Nvb 2019)
Kerkrade_Super Circular Estate_UIAExpertJournal 2 (May2019)
Kerkrade_Super Circular Estate_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Nvb 2018)
Kerkrade Super Circular Estate Journal 4
Heraklion_A2UFood_UIAExpertJournal 2 (March 2019)
Heraklion_A2UFood_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Heraklion_A2UFood_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Octb 2018)
A2UFood Journal 4
Ghent_TmaaS_UIAExpertJournal2 (March 2019)
Ghent_TmaaS_Zoom in 1 (March 2019)
Ghent_TmaaS_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
TmaaS @Ghent - Journal 3
Albertslund_TUPPAC_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Albertslund_TUPPAC-LINC_Zoom in 1
Albertslund_TUPPAC_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Albertslund_TUPPACLINC_Journal3 (Jan 2020)
Antwerp_Antwerp Circular South_Journal 3
Antwerp_Antwerp Circular South_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Antwerp_Antwerp Circular South_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Antwerp Circular South_Zoom-in 1_March 2018
Circular South @Antwerp Journal 5
Viladecans_Vilawatt_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Viladecans_Vilawatt_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Viladecans_VILAWWAT_Zoom-in 1 (July 2018)
Viladecans_Vilawatt_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Viladecans_Vilawatt_UIA Expert Journal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Viladecans - Project Presentation - PPT
Vilawatt Infographics - setting up a project proposal
Paris_CoRDEES_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Paris_CoRDEES_UIAExpertJournal2 (July 2018)
Paris_CoRDEES_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
CORDEES-Transferability handbook
Gothenburg_FED_Journal 5 (Octb 2019)
Gothenburg_FED_Zoom-in 2 (June 2019)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal 4 (March 2019)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal3 (December 2018)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal2 (July 2018)
Gothenburg_FED_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Diams Project Journal 1
A roof journey - RESILIO final report
Amsterdam_RESILIO_Journal (Jan 2020)
The technology behind the smart blue-green roofs – The Decision Support System
Barcelona_GBGAS2C_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
GBG_A2C @Barcelona_Journal 2
Portici_Air-Heritage_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
Greater Manchester Ignition Journal 1
Helsinki_HOPE_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
Riba Roja_GUARDIAN_Journal (March 2020)
OASIS Expert Journal 1
Oasis booklet
Breda-AirQon_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
AirQon Journal 2: Events and More