Expert article
Modifier 03 May 2021
by Birgit Georgi

The brickwork story behind GreenQuays

Plantgrowth in a wall in special mortar.
Plantgrowth in a wall in special mortar. Image: K. Mulder
Nature-Inclusive Quays (NIQ) are the core of innovative solutions of the GreenQuays project in Breda. The vertical quay walls of the reopened river Mark in the dense historical centre will be green and provide space for flora and fauna, a pleasant place for people and protection against heat and other climate impacts. The intention with the development of a nature-inclusive design is to not just to green the walls but enable naturally the growth of native plants, natural succession and offer thus multiple ecological functions. Behind all the green, there is however a grey foundation - the walls as such that need to be stable and, at the same time, can be invaded by plants. That is the domain of Koen Mulder and his colleagues from Delft University, who experiment with different types of masonry.

With the next article, I will take a closer look on how the expectations of plant life have been met on the small scale test site. 

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

Nature based solutions
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GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands

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GreenQuays - Urban River Regeneration through Nature Inclusive Quays

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Breda - The Netherlands