
Join us at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2022

We are back at the annual European Week of Regions and Cities 2022! Register now for our sessions and find out more details about what we have planned...
UIA Article

New European Bauhaus: 20 small and medium municipalities to receive support for frontrunner projects

The Commission announces the 20 winners of the first call of the New European Bauhaus dedicated to place-based transformative projects led by small an...
UIA Article

How can UIA cities inspire others to promote jobs and skills for Just Transitions?

UIA is conducting a two-year knowledge development activity focused on Just Transitions, contribution UIA cities are making towards this goal. This ar...
UIA Article

Going digital - UIA projects creating new jobs and skills opportunities

Through their experimentations, UIA digital projects are reflecting on how cities could collect, monitor, exchange and take advantage of data and how ...
UIA Article
Cities, Jobs and Just Transitions : executive summary of the inception report

Cities, Jobs and Just Transitions : executive summary of the inception report

Addressing the potential labour market impacts of the climate neutral transition is central to the European Green Deal. UIA is exploring the good prac...
UIA Article

What can we learn from UIA projects? Key achievements from 2021

While the year 2021 has been quite challenging, UIA projects continue to strive for great results and make a positive impact on cities around Europe. ...
UIA Article

Self-Assessment Tool for Sustainable Urban Development strategies: webinar on 25 November

Register for the webinar organised by the Joint Research Centre in collaboration with DG REGIO on 25 November from 10.00 to 12.00. It is meant in cont...
UIA Article

EU launches a new city cooperation programme - Open for city registrations!

The International City Partnerships: Acting for Green and Inclusive Recovery is a project of the European Union and managed by the Directorate-General...
UIA Article

UIA at the European Week of Regions and Cities – Register now!

UIA will be present at the European Week of Regions and Cities 11-14 October for 3 sessions. Do not miss them!...
UIA Article