Analysing the economic viability of GUARDIAN: current challenges and expected outcomes
GUARDIAN is already a reality in some areas of Túria Natural Park and is on everyone's lips after the pilot tests carried out this last summer. Neighbours, authorities, fire practitioners are amazed with the firefighting infrastructure put in place yet some of them are also curious (and even sceptical!) about the economic viability of the project. Will the money spent in GUARDIAN be worth it? Will the project be sustainable? Will GUARDIAN be effectively replicable in other fire-prone zones? To start answering these questions, we will try here to summarize the background and methods used by Prof. Francesc Hernández’s team at Universitat de València (UV) to demonstrate that YES, our project will be economically viable if we account for the huge social and environmental benefits and we compare it with the tremendous inaction costs that would appear in case of an unprotected WUI at Riba-roja and Paterna.