Expert article
Modifier 17 September 2021
by GUIDO Mattei, UIA expert

Journal 1 UPPER project

Piazza del Popolo Latina
The Journal is aimed to describe the activities of the UPPER project and the results achieved during the first period of implementation. It also describes the challenges encountered in the mid of 2021 as well as in the remaining period of the project. The UPPER project shows how Nature Based Solutions (NBS) can help address broader societal challenges, including social and economic challenges within the paradigm of sustainable development.
This Journal describes the processes, tools and methods used for the implementation of the activities and all the future ones till the project conclusion. The journal includes in the first chapter an overall project context description followed by the European, national and local policy contexts. Then, it provides an overview of the implementation challenges faced by the project in Year 1 (Chapter 5 and 6) and the brief conclusive perspectives are included in the last Chapter.

Challenge table with level of risk


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UPPER - Urban Productive Parks for the development of NBS related technologies and services

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Latina - Italy

Utilisation et gestion durable des sols et solutions fondées sur la nature

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UPPER - Urban Productive Parks for the development of NBS related technologies and services

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Latina - Italy

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Journal 2 UPPER project

UPPER - Urban Productive Parks for the development of NBS related technologies and services

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Latina - Italy

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Latina - Italy

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UPPER - Urban Productive Parks for the development of NBS related technologies and services

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

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Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Latina - Italy