European Regional Development Fund
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
Come join us on Wednesday 10th of November at 9.30h for a panel discussion on the Future of Commuting to Work and its consequences in urban mobility p...
SASMob is approaching the end of its journay to develop city wide innovative partnership for sustainable commuting. In this 5th Journal, UIA expert Zs...
In her second zoom-in, UIA Expert Zsuzsa Kravalik explores the policy drivers and institutional challenges behind mobility projects. She interviews vi...
In her 4th journal, SASMob Expert Zsuzsana Kravalik discusses what could a mobility project working on sustainable commuting gain from the lockdown mo...
In her 3rd journal of SASMoB, UIA expert Zsuzsanna Kravalik guides us through the last 6 months of the project. She gives the readers a taste of how ...
In her first journal of the SASMob project, UIA expert Zsuszana Kravalik looks into the change of mobility culture that is currently being attempted i...
Check out the different commuting patterns within the SASMob partnership. Look at how personal choices can be geared into different mobility patterns ...
In her 2nd journal of SASMoB, UIA expert Zsuzsanna Kravalik reveals an additional layer of the project’s implementation progress in what regards the m...
The work on Lahti Direction combines transport and land-use planning in a new way, and builds a sustainable city in cooperation with citizens, stakeho...
In his 3rd journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months, which included a stimulating and enr...
In his 6th and concluding journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes the final results and takeaways from the project, which includes the ...
In his 5th journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months which saw the start of the transition...
CityCap is getting a lot of attention, both EU- and internationally-wise. It was awarded with the Gitex 2019 Smart City series (biggest technology exh...
In his 4th journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months, which included the testing and user ...
UIA Expert, Philip Turner, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
This Zoom-in aims to take a critical view of personal carbon trading (PCT), outlining some of its core components with a particular focus on the chal...
In his 2nd journal of CitiCAP, UIA expert Philip Turner describes his take on the project over the last 6 months, which included a stimulating and enr...
The final version of the TMaaS project Journal...
The present fourth edition of the TMaaS Journal aims to provide interested readers with information concerning the project’s final achievements and re...
TMaaS web article No 5 - The TMaaS products ...
TMaaS web article No 4 - Interview with Sophie Gillaerts, the TMaaS project coordinator...
TMaaS web article No 3 - TMaaS Replicator City program Part 2: lessons learnt...
TMaaS web article No 2 - TMaaS Replicator City program Part 1: process and results...
TMaaS web article No 1 - TMaaS notifications for travellers...
In his first Zoom-In, UIA TMaaS expert Dr. Evangelos Mitsakis, presents an animated story that highlights the decisions that travelers need to take on...
UIA Expert, Sofia Taborda, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
The 2nd TMaaS Journal accompanies the project in its past half year of progress. By giving an account of the main activities and achievements of each ...
In her 6th and concluding journal of LINC, UIA expert Dr. Anna Pernestål describes the final results and takeaways from the project, which include the...
A dialogue with the test design coordinator in the LINC project by Anna Pernestål, UIA Expert for the TUPPAC-LINC project 5first zoom in)...
The six months long test with self-driving shuttles at DTU Campus has just ended, and in journal 5 we summarize the first learnings from these tests....
Shared mobility services that utilize novel technology such as digitalization and automated driving can contribute to sustainable traveling, decreased...
In Journal 4 we analyze the progress towards getting the self-driving buses ready to run in the LINC project. In particular, we explore challenges enc...
In her zoom-in, Linc UIA Expert Anna Pernestal, develops an infographic that compares the current autonomous vehicle approval framework between Denmar...
In her 2nd journal of TUPPAC, UIA expert Anna Pernestal gives us a taste of how the project has progressed in the last months, focusing on the operati...
UIA Expert, Dr. Anna Pernestål, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
In her 3rd journal, UIA expert Anna Pernestal guides us through the progress of the LINC-TUPPAC project during the last six months, focusing on the pr...
Get to know better what Paris is doing on energy transition in this UIA Expert journal. ...
UIA Expert Juan de las Cuevas has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Pa...
Get the latest news about Paris’ innovative action...
UIA Expert Juan Ramon de las Cuevas and the CoRDEES team have produced a video to explain the main elements of this Energy transition project. ...
One year after the UIA funding ended, the AS-Fabrik project is standing on its own feet. In his 6th and final journal, the UIA Expert Willem van Winde...
UIA Expert Willem van Winden interviews Eduardo Castellano one the architects of a highly innovative approach towards industrial modernisation. ...
In his 3rd Zoom-in, AS-FABRIK expert Willem van Winden, guides through the innovation hub in the city of Bilbao. Bilbao is now constructing the AS-FAB...
In his 5th Journal, Willem van Winden summarizes the activities that took place in the last months in the AS-FABRIK project. Most importantly, Willem ...
UIA Expert Willem Van Winden has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Bil...
UIA Expert Willem Van Winden provides an update on how the project is evolving....
In his fourth Journal, Willem van Winden discusses all key activities that you need to know about AS-FABRIK. Most importantly, Willem shares his thoug...
This Zoom-in deals with the issue of co-creation in Bilbao, in the framework of AS-FABRIK project, wherein a physical location that will become the be...
Get to know better what Bilbao is doing on jobs and skills in the local economy in this UIA Expert journal....
Read the final report with conclusions from the jobs and skills in the local economy capitalisation activities...
This journal by expert Levente Polyák documents the evolution of the UIA project CUP4Creativity. This issue serves as a summary of the project’s devel...
In the past three years, the Urban Innovative Actions-funded project CUP4Creativity has been working on strengthening the local cultural and creative ...
Local civil ecosystems are important building blocks of our cities. With a better understanding of the resources and needs of local initiatives, we ca...
How can we understand the attitudes of different local stakeholders to culture and community? How can we design better instruments to enable connectio...
This journal by expert Levente Polyák accompanies the UIA project CUP4Creativity in its development. This second issue serves as a summary of the proj...
How to conceive a new cultural institution in an area already known for its strong cultural scene? How can a new venue integrate into an existing inst...
How to plan a new cultural venue in a district already rich in cultural life? How can a new cultural institution help to connect existing spaces and o...
Seeking to create new connections between cultural producers, creatives, technology initiatives, businesses and residents, the UIA-funded project CUP4...
It is difficult to measure the cultural vitality of a neighbourhood. We can browse through a city’s event calendar and assess the concentration of act...
CUP4Creativity is a project of the Budapest district of Újbuda, funded by the EU’s Urban Innovative Actions programme. The project builds on the distr...
This is the second journal for Kosice 2.0 project that puts the second year of its implementation journey into the spotlight focusing on the key progr...
Kosice 2.0 project aims at introducing new dimensions to the routines of work of Kosice City employees stimulating a shift in the culture of doing thi...
How does the “Creative City” program, the capacity training program for the City employees of Kosice municipality, envisions to establish a new mindse...
Municipalities have been investing all the more in the last decade into developing infrastructures that enable them to work with data to improve their...
The second hackathon of the project developed solutions to help Ukrainian war refugees access the Slovak labor market....
The Kosice 2.0 project capitalizes on the ongoing culture-led transformation dynamics in the city of Kosice to increase citizens’ wellbeing while rein...
How can a City nurture intelligence among its society to improve public service provision and boost economic activity? What could be the role of cult...
« Collage van Gent » project selected by the CoGhent Co-creation Fund proposing a participatory collage of elements coming from Ghent’s collections pr...
One of the 4 scenarios elaborated during the NEXT COGHENT workshop reusing the CoGhent building blocks (photo credit: Strategic Design Scenarios)....
Cover of the Collection of Ghent webinar the 20th of June 2023 (photo...
Multi-screens interactive display where visitors can navigate stories combining museum collections and populations’ memories (photo credit: F. Jégou)...
“I see many and rich ingredients in this project, but I don’t see how the cake will look like at the end?”. This is the metaphor, slightly provocative...
This report provides an overview of the 2023 activities for the INNOAIR project, spearheaded by Sofia, Bulgaria, and supported by the Urban Innovative...
This journal summarizes the progress of activities of the project INNOAIR implemented by the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, with the support of the Urban In...
In Brussels, nine out of ten families with children rely on cars. Cargo bikes offer a sustainable alternative for school runs, groceries, and more. Di...
As cargo bikes gain popularity, Brussels is addressing the challenges of parking, theft, and accessibility through innovative policies and collaborati...
In European cities, up to 50% of urban trips for professional activities could be made by cargo bike, yet many lack the awareness, infrastructure, and...
Incorporating partner feedback, the second edition of the journal traces the progress of each challenge, documents enhancements, and outlines actionab...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed to boost measures being applied by Brussels Capital Region to structurally improve air quality in the city. It tar...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed to boost measures, being applied by the Brussels Capital Region to structurally improve air quality in the city. I...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed as a tool to help tackle persistent conditions of poor and damaging air quality experienced in many European citie...
The Cairgo Bike project is designed to boost measures being applied by the Brussels Capital Region to structurally improve air quality in the city. It...
The VoxPop project arose from a need identified by several local actors to work in a more collaborative and transparent way to share mobility data in ...
VoxPop project has delivered significant outputs for improving cycling conditions in Lisbon ...
VoxPop project has ended and it has set up the foundations for the data sharing eco-system...
People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon (VoxPop) is the project that will foster digi...
The Vox Pop Project - Journal No 3 ...
The project has ended and delivered its outputs. This web article is dedicated to the impact assessment of the project outputs....
People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon (VoxPop) is the new project that will foster ...
The Innovators Alliance has laid the foundations for the definition of the data sharing framework by identifying the barriers, and started identifying...
This is the first edition of the VoxPop journal and aims at introducing the project, the expectations of the partners and the most relevant challenges...
This final journal provides an assessment of the DIACCESS project. It starts with brief update of the activities in the DIACCESS project since it’s en...
There is a lot of work to be done in digitalization, in the private and the public sector. Companies and governments everywhere are doing their best t...
Digital technology can make household waste collection in cities more efficient and speed up the circular transition. Putting sensors in waste bins ca...
Executive Summary The project has entered its extension stage; the digital lab and IT platform are completed. Three innovation partnership procurem...
This zoom-in focuses on the challenge of upscaling, with illustrative examples from the DIACCESS project. In that project, the Swedish city of Växjö i...
This article reviews how the cities of Växjö and Amsterdam adopt innovative procurement methods, and the challenges they face. ...
This zoom-in focuses on the innovation partnership (IP) model. This model opens new avenues for public bodies, including cities, to co-create solution...
This journal provides an update of the progress of the project at the time of writing (November 2021) in the three main domains: the innovative public...
A cornerstone of the DIACCESS project in Växjö is to run a series of innovative public procurement (IPP) processes/rounds, in which companies are aske...
This journal gives an account of the first experiences in the DIACCESS project in Växjö, Sweden...
If a soccer field is covered with a thick layer of snow, it’s better to close it for use or remove the snow; otherwise the field gets broken and repai...
International networking and dissemination of the project's concept and solutions are at the core of GAVIUS mission: in this light, the project's team...
Last 1st and 2nd June, the 5th edition of the conference “For a Circular and Competitive Economy” took place in Gavà (Spain). This annual event is arr...
Given the complexity of urban challenges, the public administrations involved in the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative are well aware they need to s...
After having successfully concluded its co-creation phase, the GAVIUS project is deep diving into the development of the mobile application which will...
Municipalities and local agencies are the forefront of digital transformation experimenting to use Artificial Intelligence and Data Anaytics to improv...
Rennes Urban Data Interface (Rudi) aims to develop a data-sharing platform at the local level. In this final journal, UIA Expert Simon Chignard reflec...
How can we guarantee the ethical and responsible use of data? How can we be sure that the public interest is being taken into account and that the rig...
Rennes Urban Data Interface (RUDI) project is one of the milestones of a decade-long collaboration between public and private sectors actors. In Septe...
The current energy crisis in Europe highlights the urgent need for better control of energy consumption by individuals, companies and administrations ...
In 2021, the Rudi project partners met for two seminars, in July and November. What was the discussion about? How do these moments of exchange contrib...
Rennes Urban Data Interface (Rudi) aims to develop a data-sharing platform at the local level. In this second journal, UIA Expert Simon Chignard highl...
Rennes Urban Data interface (Rudi) aims to develop data sharing for public interest at the local level. What roles could citizens play in that respect...
Rennes Urban Data Interface (Rudi) aims to develop a data-sharing platform at the local level. In this journal, UIA Expert Simon Chignard highlights h...
UIA expert Simon Chignard reports a webinar organised by Rudi on data governance in April 2021, with the inputs of Marion Glatron (Rudi - Rennes Metro...
An innovative project rarely comes out of the blue, and Rudi makes no exception. The project is based on almost ten years of experimentation on local ...
In this first article, UIA expert Simon Chignard introduces the motivations behind the Rudi project and the challenges faced by the project partners. ...
DARE is an innovative urban regeneration project that instead of focusing uniquely on the physical environment, has invested in the skills and ambitio...
Changing the narrative of a neighbourhood can be just as important in urban regeneration as changing its physical fabric. However, imposing a story on...
Digital democracy or e-democracy tools have been frequently used to overcome the trust gap between citizens and public administrations, by lowering th...
Participatory urbanism has become a buzzword in the past decade. Participation in urban processes can range from consultation on single issues, to co-...
Financing territorial redevelopment is largely seen as a top-down process with priorities defined by public administrations at the local, regional or ...
Property development is a long-term genre, with processes between vision, programming, design, development and inauguration that may take years if not...
Digital platforms and tools have been increasingly central elements of urban planning and design. With the proliferation of digital instruments using ...
Urban transformation, especially in the form of large urban development projects, is often seen as primarily top-down, regulated by public administrat...
DARE is an innovative urban regeneration project that instead of focusing uniquely on the physical environment, invests in the skills of its inhabitan...
Many urban regeneration schemes focus on architectural interventions or masterplans that aim to transform the social fabric of an area through shaping...
The DARE (Digital Environment for collaborative Alliances to Regenerate urban Ecosystems in middle-sized cities) project connects urban regeneration w...
Ravenna's Darsena area has been a delicate spot on the city’s map. After a process of deindustrialisation and a series of attempts to regenerate the f...
We are looking back on the lessons for European cities that emerged from We.Service.Heerlen (WESH)....
WESH Journal no. 4 is the final journal of the We.Service.Heerlen project. This journal describes the reflection and legacy of the project, as well as...
For the capitalisation of WESH we are looking back on the project in three key ways; firstly on the highlights and achievements of the project....
We are zooming in on the participatory approach during the preparation, implementation and continuation of We.Service.Heerlen (WESH) as well as the ch...
We have interviewed social innovator Anton ten Westenend, involved in neighbourhood association GMS and partner of We.Service.Heerlen (WESH)....
WESH Journal no. 3 describes the progress of the We.Service.Heerlen project as of October 2022. That means WESH is in the final stage of the project p...
During the annual IEEE Smart Cities conference in Cyprus, We.Service.Heerlen (WESH) was awarded as the best EU solution in the global Smart Cities con...
We have interviewed Mr Grégoire Piette, Co-Founder of the startup CoTown and the technical supplier of We.Service.Heerlen (WESH)....
We have interviewed Mr Pieter Bonnema, Senior Project Manager at the Municipality of Heerlen and Project Coordinator of We.Service.Heerlen (WESH)....
We are zooming in on the various tax challenges that arose in the build-up to the launch of We.Service.Heerlen (WESH) and during the implementation of...
We have interviewed Professor Hans Schmeets and Mr Tim Muller, both employed at Statistics Netherlands in Heerlen and partners of the We.Service.Heerl...
WESH Journal no. 2 describes the progress of the We.Service.Heerlen project as of October 2021. That means WESH is halfway the three years project per...
We have interviewed Mr Ivar Moberts, Business & Community Developer at Brightlands Smart Service Campus in Heerlen and partner of the We.Service.Heerl...
We have interviewed Mr Kurt Isik, Innovation Advisor at the Association of Dutch Municipalities (VNG) and partner in the We.Service.Heerlen project....
We have interviewed Ms Robine Gielkens, Junior Project Manager at the Municipality of Heerlen and member of the We.Service.Heerlen (WESH) project team...
WESH Journal no. 1 describes the city of Heerlen in the Netherlands, a former mining city that has been struggling with substantial socio-economic dis...
For decades, the city of Heerlen, a former mining centre in the Southeast of the Netherlands, is struggling with substantial socio-economic disadvanta...
The 3rd Journal of BRISE Vienna sums-up the progress that was made throughout 2022 and highlights the steps taken to achieve the proof-of-concept for ...
Innovation in the public sector follows different rules than in the corporate world. But also here, new things need to be tested before adopting them....
BRISE-Vienna addresses the challenge of accelerating complex verification and permission procedures in city administrations by applying the full range...
Artificial Intelligence (or what we understand by this term) is all over the place and it is quickly transforming economies and organizations. Yet, ci...
Changing a person's behavior is hard. Transforming organisations is even harder. But if we are to make our cities more sustainable, liveable and citiz...
BRISE-Vienna addresses the challenge of accelerating complex verification and permission procedures in city administrations by applying the ful...
The BRISE-Vienna project aims to fully digitize the process of building permission and - through this - at least half the time it takes the municipal ...
European cities are as diverse as the continent. Some are growing, some are shrinking, but all try to figure out, how data and digital technologies ca...
Podcast with Action Aid...
This is the third WISH-MI journal and the first that has been produced since the full implementation of the project. ...
The City of Milan is opening new avenues in its drive to improve youth well-being in the city. To coincide with World Play Day, WISH-MI has launched a...
WISH-MI aims to improve levels of youth wellbeing in the city of Milan. Improving the quality of, and access to, available services, is an important p...
The City of Milan has launched a digital platform to offer wellbeing services to its young people and families. The platform is now operational, comp...
Wish-Mi is an ambitious wellbeing strategy for the young people of Milan. The model comprises a digital hub, enabling access to services, combined wit...
The second WISH-MI journal presents the state of play as the project prepares to go live. It draws upon material gathered during the expert visit to M...
A sneak peek of the WISH-MI hubs. City of Milan Director, Sabina Banfi. Shares her thoughts on the project’s new youth spaces with UIA Expert Eddy Ada...
Milan is one of a number of UIA cities exploring innovative financial tools to nudge behaviours. This article explores the Milan vouchers model, and t...
Milan is a city of 1.4 million people, 230,000 of whom are minors. It has a wide and growing rate of inequality, with 30% of its population either in ...
This slide deck shares the content and learnings from the WISH-MI youth co-design webinar held on 9th June 2021. ...
Like many cities, Milan faces the challenge of widening inequalities. This risk particularly affect the city's most vulnerable young people. The UIA W...
UIA projects have a transformative impact on urban environments by driving sustainable innovation, improving the quality of life for citizens, and pro...
Europe is the fastest-warming continent in the world, and climate risks threaten people’s health and several aspects of their well-being. According to...
The European Renovation Wave initiative is a crucial response to the pressing issue of energy poverty. The initiative is built upon the national long-...
This is the third journal of the Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU) project since its start in September 2019. EPIU, led by Municipality of Getaf...
Domestic energy consumption data is considered personal data, at least as per the Spanish Supreme court declared in 2019 (STS 2484/2019). In the proje...
Public procurement refers to the process by which public sector organizations acquire goods, services, or construction projects from external supplier...
Consolidating the demand of a new public service is one of the challenges that urban authorities face when they innovate and design new services. One ...
There is a pressing need to identify effective policy solutions to inspire locally driven low-carbon transitions in EU cities. UIA has led a two-year ...
Synergies between projects can generate a wide range of opportunities for municipalities. For example, the ability to share knowledge and best practic...
In scientific terms, an ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather or landscape, work together to f...
Energy prices are at record highs and remain volatile in Europe. Situations of energy poverty are exacerbating and families in Europe are struggling t...
This is the second journal of the Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU) project since its start in September 2019. EPIU led by Municipality of Getaf...
At corporate level, a business model is a strategy for operating a business. It describes how a company will generate value for its customers. Althoug...
In this article, UIA Expert Marta Garcia interviews the mayor of Getafe, Sara Hernández, to explore how the municipality is integrating EPIU, the UIA ...
Implementing an Urban Innovation Action implies a degree of risk for local authorities and a committed leadership is a requisite for municipal led inn...
Energy poverty is a situation in which households are unable to access essential energy services. With nearly 34 million Europeans unable to afford to...
This is the first journal of the Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit (EPIU) project since its start on September 2019. EPIU led by Municipaility of Getaf...
UIA expert Simone d'Antonio provides the final updates on the activities carried out in the framework of Cluj Future of Work, such as the final event ...
The final event of Cluj Future of Work was a great opportunity for connecting the local audience to the topics of the UIA project...
The third Zoom In of Cluj Future of Work is on the stories of the finalists of the CULTUREPRENEURS programme, the acceleration initiative at the core ...
The results of the capitalization visit carried out by the team of Cluj Future of Work and the UIA expert to reflect on the future of work in cultural...
The cross-fertilization action carried out by three UIA projects shares interesting elements contributing to the European debate on the skills needed ...
UIA Expert Simone d'Antonio provides updates on the most interesting activities carried out in the framework of Cluj Future of Work. Among these, the...
The kick-off of the entrepreneurial educational programme of Cluj Future of Work paves the way to the promotion of a collaborative approach towards th...
The partners of Cluj Future of Work and the participants to the Culturepreneurs programme are testing new ways for producing and distributing culture,...
In a city as, Cluj-Napoca, which had the highest economic growth rate in Romania in the last decade, the alliance between public authorities, private ...
The elaboration of future scenarios may be decisive for reimagining the future of work: Cluj-Napoca is using a wide range of methodologies to imagine ...
Local community can be part of the collaborative effort of reflection on the future of work: Cluj-Napoca is involving experts, academics, stakeholders...
This is the fourth and last journal of the Urban Forest Innovation Lab project (2018-2022). ...
The agenda is among the last deliverables produced by the Urban Forest Innovation Lab project. The document sets the roadmap for local and regional pu...
SEMBRIA is a non-profit association with a mission: to address the needs of rural territories through the implementation of participatory projects. Th...
Dendron is the Greek word for ‘tree’. This is the name given by Diego, Héctor and José to their company established in 2022 as a follow up to their pa...
In July 2022, the project started collecting the information for its final internal evaluation. Due by the end of October 2022, the evaluation was a m...
UFIL has given and gained visibility over the last three years. Prizes and awards were used to help young entrepreneurs to accomplish the UIA project’...
UFIL is close to its completion and project's partners were invited to point out the main lessons learnt throughout implementation. By sharing this ex...
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organisation promoting the responsible management of forests, and is one of the partners of t...
One of the main objectives of the UFIL project is to contribute developing a local bioeconomy ecosystem which is based on the sustainable exploitation...
The Urban Forest Innovation Lab project is a Jobs and Skills Urban Innovation Action. Through its innovative training, the project is expected to help...
UFIL is an Urban Innovation Action and as such is supposed to focus on urban development. In fact, UFIL has a peculiarity that makes it different from...
This is the third journal of the Urban Forest Innovation Lab (UFIL) UIA project since its start on 1 November 2018. It covers the period 31 October 20...
This is the second journal of the Urban Forest Innovation Lab (UFIL) project since its start on 1/11/2018. It covers the period 1 January 2020 – 31 Oc...
In UFIL, the ‘business challenge’ is a mechanism ruling the internal competitions which are run in the project’s innovation lab. These competitions ar...
UFIL is designed to create innovation and to impact at the socio-economic level. The project tackles job creation and development of new businesses in...
UFIL is looking for innovators and when potential candidates were asked to share their ideas on the future of Cuenca's forests, the city, the objects ...
In this first journal edition of the UFIL project, the UIA Expert Rossella Soldi presents the challenges and the solutions implemented by the City of ...
In his 1st zoom-in, P4W expert Ronald Lievens, explores why soft skills are a key part of the Passport4Work project. Especially in these times, with c...
Passport for Work's fourth and final journal, reflecting on its legacy and its activities after the formal project period....
Ever since the Passport for Work project started, it has been a key objective to support its social innovation process with a scientific impact analys...
In October 2020, Passport4Work started an ambitious national research endeavour: replicating the survey of the leading skills taxonomy O*NET in the Du...
Striving for an inclusive labour market instrument, Passport4Work organized 2 focus group sessions with University students to establish its utility b...
Passport4Work is nearing the product delivery phase. Learn more about the state of play of the project and its contributions to a skills-based economy...
Passport4Work reached a major milestone in its project, by recently finishing the first prototype of the employer interface of the tool. This prototyp...
In his 2nd journal, UIA Expert Ronald Lievens reflects on the current state of affairs in the Passport4Work (P4W) project, its developments, and the d...
After a series of sophisticated user experience tests, Passport4Work launched its first prototype this month. ...
Passport4Work has started a widespread, ambitious national study among Dutch employers, job seekers and intermediaries to contextualize and validate t...
As described in the previous web article, P4W is developing tools for skills assessment, eLearnings and job matching....
This is the fourth (and final) Journal of the EU (Urban Innovative Actions - UIA) funded GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, one of th...
This is the third Zoom-in of the EU (Urban Innovative Actions - UIA) funded GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, one of the main instru...
This is the second Zoom-in of the EU (Urban Innovative Actions - UIA) funded GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, one of the main instr...
This is the web-article No. 7 of the GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, an initiative of the City of Vantaa (FI) to develop an innova...
This is the web-article No. 8 of the GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, an initiative of the City of Vantaa (FI) to develop an innova...
This is the third Journal of the EU (Urban Innovative Actions - UIA) funded GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, one of the main instru...
This is the web-article No. 6 of the GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, an initiative of the City of Vantaa (FI) to develop an innova...
This is the web-article No. 4 of the GSIP (Growth and Social Investments Pacts) Project, an initiative of the City of Vantaa (FI) to develop active em...
Despite the strong challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and their effect on the broader Vantaa economy and social fabric, the GSIP Project continues it...
In his 1st Zoom-In, GSIP expert Gabriel Amitsis, focuses on a rather neglected issue in the overall debate about the development of local community jo...
The evolving links between the university and the local government are becoming a major focus of European regional policies in specific areas, as the ...
In his 1st Journal, Gabriel Amitsis, UIA expert of the GSIP project, discusses all key activities that you need to know about it, what the project is ...
Transnational and comparative social policy research shows that integrating individuals with complex social problems (such as low qualifications, outd...
The City of Vantaa Mayor is now serving her first term. Ritva Viljanen talks about “Jobs and skills in the local economy” and reinforces the commitmen...
This is the final journal of the project Aveiro Steam City (ASC); at the time of writing (October 2022) the project is officially closed and so it is ...
Aveiro Steam City provides an intense training program for primary schools, which aims to enable children to all the basic skills necessary for progra...
It’s time to draw the strings of a long journey that has brought important innovations to the city of Aveiro: Aveiro Steam City (ASC) project is comin...
“Aveiro STEAM city” (ASC) intends to boost the use of new technologies in the public space, together with the aim to make these technologies accessibl...
ATLAS, a hub for Tech city: there is a trait d'union particularly important among UIA projects: together with actions, projects and services, the prog...
From October 11th to 17th 2021, Aveiro Tech Week (ATW) took place in Aveiro, Candidate City for European Capital of Culture, reaching its 3th edition ...
Tech Labs in a nutshell One of the challenging objectives of the Aveiro STEAM CITY (ASC) project is the development of a STEAM learning context (sc...
It is widely recognized that cultural policies represent levers of urban economic development of cities, as well as producing significant social impac...
Aveiro Steam city (ASC) is a complex and fascinating project because it combines the provision of infrastructural actions and services; if - on the on...
In this second Journal, UIA Expert Lucia Scopelliti through the project latest achievements and challenges. ...
You want to capture the change that your project is bringing at local level? The new monitoring and evaluation platform is now online: browse through ...
Many municipalities all over the world turn to the Internet of Things (IoT) in order to prevent environmental deterioration, mitigate traffic congesti...
Aveiro Tech City Bootcamp is an intensive training program, dedicated to unemployed, students or employed professionals looking for new career opportu...
A couple of years ago the Guardian declared the need for cities to become active as Living Labs, as places where designers, scientists, companies and ...
“The overall evidence suggests that we do not lack technologies, nor the data captured by technologies, but that the bigger challenge lies in governan...
Lucia Scopelliti, UIA Experts for the Aveiro STEAM city project, in this first edition of the Journal analyses how the project represents a huge chanc...
In this third Zoom In of the NextGen Microcities project, the UIA expert Fabio Sgaragli interviews the key people behind the development of the new Sc...
In this second Zoom In of the NextGen Microcities project, the UIA expert Fabio Sgaragli interviews Laura Codere, Project Manager of the project. This...
In this article we look at results on the project’s line of activity concerning Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) attraction in Ventspils and Valmiera...
Latvia is still affected by a structural deficit of STEM professionals in the job market. The challenge to leapfrog the country into a digital transfo...
NextGen Microcities has formally ended as an UIA funded experimentation after three years of hard work. For one more year, partners are committed to k...
After three years of hard work, after the summer the team started to wrap up final activities, and organized the grand finale event in Ventspils on 13...
There is much that can be done to support employability, and public administrations can play an important role in that. They can do so not just by des...
Digital and physical are blending through a transformation of atoms in pixels and vice versa. Cities can play a role in enabling this transformation f...
UIA Expert Fabio Sgaragli provides “updates on some of the most interesting activities carried out within the project scope:...
In this article, we focus on project’s activities that have the ambition to demonstrate what can be done to facilitate the match with the growing dema...
As this article is being published, four NextGen partners are launching new initiatives where technology becomes a tool for educating younger generati...
In the below video, UIA Expert Fabio Sgaragli shows how some of the key stakeholders from Ventspils and Valmiera managed to carry out project activiti...
Ventspils just produced a strategy paper, highlighting its new Foreign Direct Investment strategy, and this article presents it in the context of FDIs...
DARE was opened in Valmiera, right before the Covid-19 crisis....
UIA Expert Fabio Sgaragli reveals how “the ambition of the NextGen Microcities project is to develop a blueprint model for enhancing both the demand a...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to improve the City of Portici’s knowledge on local air pollution, through monitoring and modeling air quality, so that the city can...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to address air pollution in the City of Portici. A key element of the project is actively engaging citizens throughout the process. ...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to address air pollution in Portici. A key element of the project is actively engaging citizens throughout the process. In this cont...
AIR-HERITAGE aims to improve the City of Portici’s knowledge on local air pollution so that the city can more effectively address this issue. More spe...
This second Journal presents AIR-HERITAGE key achievements to date and describes how the various challenges faced, have evolved over time, as well as ...
The first AIR-HERITAGE zoom-in focuses on the technical aspects of the project. It aims to present the Decision Support Tool developed for supporting ...
Andriana Stavrakaki, UIA expert for the AIR-HERITAGE project, in this journal edition describes the measures put in place by the City of Portici to ov...
After closing in April 2022, the UIA HOPE project leaves behind a lasting legacy. The project piloted in Helsinki a next generation of air quality mon...
UIA Expert Alena Bartonova shares insights about the first months of implementation: “the first 16 months were dedicated to development of the complex...
The AirQon solution is fundamentally based on community participation. It is a crowdsourced powering solution for events. Therefore, engagement is the...
Breda Barst is an extraordinary example of innovative spirit, sustainable commitment, and collaborative approach. Just as AirQon is! But, why is Breda...
In 2019 everything was ready for La Vuelta to depart from the Netherlands for the 2020 edition, and with this, it was planned to pass through Breda. W...
Diesel generators are the main source of environmental pollution in events. In fact, mitigating their effects is the raison d'être of the AIRQON proje...
An event organizer may have heard about AIRQON but, what about taking a step forward and considering using it? AIRQON, apart from being a sustainable ...
The objective of this Zoom-in 2 is to delve into the role that the community plays in AIRQON as a crowd powered solution. This is not performed from a...
AIRQON: A new paradigm in improving local air quality...
One of the best practices done in this way is the organization of a social media giveaway with the aim of attracting the attention of target groups to...
A crowd-powered energy solution like AIRQON is inextricably linked to the community. It does not matter how sophisticated it may be technically. If th...
The AirQon solution is a versatile powering option for eventual energy demands, with a first class set of potential applications. This means that AirQ...
In this Journal, UIA Expert Javier Leiva reveals that “AIRQON is facing a short future conditioned by getting back to normality. Meanwhile, the activi...
The purpose of my first visit to the city of Breda was to learn firsthand about the AIRQON project. Anyone may think that a technology-based project l...
Diving into technical details of AIRQON solution...
How is a typical event with AIRQON in Breda?...
UIA Expert Javier Leiva reveals how the Breda project addresses the first implementation challenges: “One of the key aspects being addressed is the pa...
The sixth and last Journal of the COMMUTE project (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions Reduction) presents the final dev...
The COMMUTE reference framework (“Référentiel COMMUTE”) The COMMUTE project aims at achieving more seamless mobility, while at the same time reduci...
The fifth Journal of the COMMUTE project (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions Reduction) presents the final development...
The COMMUTE project aims at achieving more seamless mobility, while at the same time reducing the environmental impact of transport and enhancing qual...
Vanessa Holve, UIA Expert of COMMUTE project, in this Zoom-In presents the main objectives of the newly adopted cycling action, its challenges, but al...
In the fourth Journal of the COMMUTE project, UIA Expert Vanessa Holve presents the developments of the project between November 2019 and the end of M...
In the third Journal of the COMMUTE project (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions Reduction) UIA expert, Vanessa Holve, f...
UIA Expert, Vanessa Holve, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
Have you ever heard about the “Workplace travel plans” and how this can reduce the use of individual car? ...
The second Journal of the COMMUTE project presents the developments of the project since the publication of the first Journal in December 2018. By now...
This final Journal provides an overview of the progress and long-term impact of the Air-Break project in Ferrara, focusing on the key components that ...
Air-Break's comprehensive dataset transforms Ferrara's urban planning, providing real-time air quality and mobility insights....
In this Zoom-In, UIA Expert Pietro L. Verga navigates through the transformative impact of FBK's Air-Break Sustainable Mobility Motivational Campaigns...
With the project approaching its end in December 2023, this Journal Nr. 3 reflects on a number of core lessons learnt during the implementation of Air...
In the pursuit of creating smarter and more sustainable urban environments, the Air-Break Ferrara project has embarked on a mission to revolutionize t...
Through a set of playful activities and gamified rewarding campaigns, the Air-Break project sets to bring about positive change in citizens’ mobility ...
The Air-Break project seeks to reduce by 25% air-pollution in selected strategic areas of the City of Ferrara. The city lays in one of the most air-po...
In this first Zoom-in for the UIA project CUP4Creativity, Levente Polyak visits a pop-up event in the future Adaptér, to learn about the art & tech ce...
Unpacking the case of the Citizens Experience and Wellbeing Institute (CXI) in Kosice among government innovation units globally....
Across Ghent and beyond......
The INNOAIR Podcast episode #4 is covering the on-demand green public transport service that he Bulgarian capital of Sofia has started to test with a ...
INNOAIR Podcast Episode #3 presents the concept of Sofia Coin, a smart phone app that rewards its users for walking and cycling instead of driving whi...
INNOAIR Podcast Episode #2 is covering the opportunities and challenges of using artificial intelligence in managing sustainable on-demand mobility so...
INNOAIR Podcast Episode #1 is reporting on a hackathon aimed at ideas and solutions making Sofia's urban mobility smart and green....
Join us in this podcast as we delve into the groundbreaking cAIRgo Bike project, an initiative transforming Brussels with cargo bikes to improve air q...
This video presents the second zoom-in of the VoxPop project. ...
Presentation of the status of the mobility of people with impairments in Lisbon and the VoxPop navigation support tool for vulnerable city users. ...
This video reports on how the Rudi partners and key stakeholders designed the governance model for the future....
Rudi aims to develop a platform for local data exchange. The project is now entering a new phase, represented by a call for projects to reuse data sha...
The Urban Innovative Actions-funded project DARE is a non-conventional urban regeneration project that instead of focusing uniquely on the physical en...
In this first Zoom-in for the UIA project DARE, Levente Polyak explores the digital platform conceived to support the transformation of Ravenna's Dars...
To explain how We.Service.Heerlen (WESH) actually stimulates civic participation in the city of Heerlen, we have produced a documentary-style video in...
In BRISE Vienna, the City of Vienna is developing a fully digitized tool for the verification and permit of new buildings. Meet the people behind this...
The second Zoom In of Cluj Future of Work is on CREIC, the Regional Center of Excellence for Creative Industries that is hosting the Labs of Cluj Futu...
The first Zoom In of Cluj Future of Work is on Pata-Rât, a Roma settlement located near the city landfill which is one of the main focus of the Urban ...
In the second Passport for Work zoom-in, the implications of skills based matching are explored among employers. We visited employers in three differe...
The Dutch labour market is facing unprecedented shortages, calling for a skill based economy in which skill based matching, reskilling and upskilling ...
The Smart Bike Lane is part of the infrastructural upgrades plan through which the Air-Break project is facilitating slow mobility within the city of ...
Szeged_SASMob_Journal 3 (Dcb 2019)
Szeged_SASMOB_UIAExpertJournal 2 (March 2019)
Szeged_SASMOB_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2018)
Szeged_SASMob_Zoom-in 1
Lahti_CitiCap_Journal 4 (March2020)
Lahti_CitiCAP_UIAExpertJournal 2 (March 2019)
Lahti_CitiCAP_Zoom-in 1
Lahti_CitiCAP_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nbv 2018)
Citicap @Lahti - Journal 5
Ghent_TmaaS_UIAExpertJournal2 (March 2019)
Ghent_TmaaS_Zoom in 1 (March 2019)
Ghent_TmaaS_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
TmaaS @Ghent - Journal 3
Albertslund_TUPPAC_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Albertslund_TUPPAC-LINC_Zoom in 1
Albertslund_TUPPAC_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Albertslund_TUPPACLINC_Journal3 (Jan 2020)
Paris_CoRDEES_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Paris_CoRDEES_UIAExpertJournal2 (July 2018)
Paris_CoRDEES_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
CORDEES-Transferability handbook
Bilbao_AS FABRIK_Zoom-in 3 (May 2020)
Bilbao_AS Fabrik_Journal 5 (March 2020)
Bilbao_ASFABRIK_Zoom-in 2 (May 2019)
Bilbao_ASFABRIK_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Bilbao_ASFABRIK_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Bilbao_ASFABRIK_Zoom-in 1 (July 2018)
Bilbao_AS-FABRIK_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Bilbao_AS-FABRIK_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Kosice 2.0
Cluj Future of Work project Journal1
Cuenca_UFIL_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
P4W Expert Journal 1: Get to know the project and what happened in the first 6 months!
P4W @Eindhoven - Journal 2
The Urban Growth Vantaa project – Impact evaluation
Urban Growth Vantaa Action proposals
Growth through competence and technology
Personal Digital Coach - Implementation plan
Competence Mapping - Implemetation plan
Dashboard - Implementation plan
Chatbot - Implementation plan
New Competencies for Growth - GSIP Vantaa
Vantaa_GSIP_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
GSIP @Vantaa - Journal 2
Urban Growth GSIP Vantaa Experiences so far from the Field
Continuous learning challenges the working adult – how to provide organisational support?
Aveiro_AveiroSteamCity_Journal 1 v(Jan 2020)
Ventspils_NextGen Microcities_UIAExpert Journal 1 (January 2020)
NextGen Microcities - infographic
Portici_Air-Heritage_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
Helsinki_HOPE_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
Breda-AirQon_Journal 1 (Jan 2020)
AirQon Journal 2: Events and More
Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emission reduction
Toulouse_COMMUTE_Journal (April 2020)
Toulouse_COMMUTE_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Toulouse_COMMUTE_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Toulouse_COMMUTE_Zoom-in 1
Toulouse_COMMUTE_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)