VoxPop was created to facilitate the digital transformation of the mobility system of Lisbon, aiming at mobilising the various stakeholders of the local innovation ecosystem to collectively provide a response to a set of non-technological challenges of digital innovation in urban mobility.
The ambition is to accelerate the digital transition of the Lisbon’s mobility system by developing a data-sharing model where multi-party data are translated into actionable intelligence to enable the creation of enhanced user-centred mobility solutions, and unlock more efficient methods of planning, operating and maintaining transport assets.
The project motivation was the need identified by local actors to improve collaboration by sharing data and thus unlocking efficiency in the asset management of the mobility sector of the Portuguese capital. The focus is on the non-technological challenges, including governance, business models, user focus and unwanted consequences of digital innovation.
Through a process of change based on the three main vectors of digital transformation: People, Processes and Technology, the project was designed to ensure the active participation of citizens, the people who will benefit from the solutions developed.
The project is led by the Lisbon City Council with the support of various public and private actors of the mobility eco-system of the city, among them civil society, from which active citizen participation is expected. It is aligned with the vision and priorities of the Municipality and it is composed of the following innovations that will become a key structure for managing mobility in Lisbon:
- An Innovators Alliance, a forum to foster dialogue between the mobility actors of the city, aimed at creating sustainable and responsible public and private data-sharing ecosystem with a focus on how to overcome the existing non-technological barriers to urban mobility data-sharing, and ensure both public and private entities generate value from these data.
- The Urban Access Point has been replaced by the new and enhanced Open Data Portal for EMEL, which facilitates access to open data and open-source tools as well as to the visualization of maps and graphics while it allows to share “closed” data to validated profiles.An Open Call aimed at mobilizing the European innovation community, allocating 1 million euros to the development of 18 digital solutions for improving accessibility and security of the most vulnerable city users.
- Definition of the functional requirements of the navigation support tool for vulnerable city users, in particular, people with reduced mobility.
- Definition of the functional requirements of the client-observer app that will facilitate the provision of feedback from users about the Public Transport system of the city.
- Urban mobility observatory of Lisbon, to facilitate the access of external entities to information concerning urban mobility measures and support the impact evaluation of the project.
Additional outputs have been developed during the project execution following the mobility needs of the city and the citizens:
- Asset management tool by EMEL able to convert automatically CAD drawings to GIS files conserving all attributes. It has been applied to cycle paths and will be extended to sidewalks in the future.
- Deloitte tool for assessing micromobility regulation in terms of access, parking and speed limit.
- Enclosed parking facilities for bicycles in Lisbon (13 in total).
- Pricing strategy for car parks based on rotation and offer packages.
- A new mobility application integrating two existing apps (parking and bike-sharing) and other EMEL services, scalable to other stakeholders in the future.