“If there is any positive outcome from the Covid-19 outbreak, it is surely its impact on relaunching the debate about what kind of economy and society we would like to have”.
This statement by Pedro Roseiro, executive board member tice.pt, opens a recently published e-book “DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: TECHNOLOGIES AND COMPETENCES FOR THE FUTURE OF WORK AND PROFESSIONS” (http://observatoriodoemprego.web.ua.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ebook_final_7828.pdf ) curated by the University of Aveiro (UA).
According to the forecasts advanced in the Future of Jobs Report, prepared by the World Economic Forum, by 2022 the emerging jobs of 2018 are set to grow between 16% and 27%, building on the trends of large worldwide companies, while other job roles, that involve technological skills are set to decrease from 31% to 21%.
Overall, 75 million of the current jobs may be replaced due to a profound transformation on the division of work between individuals, systems, equipment and algorithms. On the other hand, 133 millions of new jobs may emerge from this transformation (World Economic Forum, 2018).
The University of Aveiro is partner in the Aveiro STEAM City project and responsible for the implementation of the Labour Observatory (LO), whose mission is to identify the priority areas of qualification necessary for the digital transformation of Aveiro, and to contribute to the development of short-term training offers.
The scope of the university research team is to give a contribution so that Aveiro continues to build solid foundations to attract and retain the people and talent essential for a sustainable digital transformation. In 2019, the LO held workshops and seminars to collect data and information from institutions in the various economic sectors and is continuing this work now in 2020.
The main activities carried out by the LO are:
- Research activities, including the data collection and discussion with companies and other local stakeholders, with the purpose of building a valid and updated diagnosis of priorities for qualification to meet the digital transformation in Aveiro.
- Workshops, on which research activities strongly rely on. Workshops are carried out together with interviews and questionnaires addressing local companies and entities across the target sectors identified in the project (ICT, Industry, Tourism and Services). Workshops and interviews allow the collection of data and the discussion with local stakeholders about the digital transformation challenges that local businesses are facing, in particular, regarding the qualification and requalification of human resources. The results and insights gained in the workshops are the basis to develop innovative and semi-automated tools that will complement the diagnosis exercise.
- Participation at events, meetings and debates across the domains of technology, industry and services, as well as education and training.
- Management and development of a pilot Training Program: according to the current execution of the project, these training are now being subcontracted and soon will be launched.
These activities are continuously disclosed also thorough the Instagram and Facebook channels, via @observatoriodoemprego, and through a periodic newsletter (subscribe by contacting the team at observatoriodoemprego@ua.pt !).