
Digital transition

VoxPop - People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon

Lisbon considers its digital transformation journey entails a transformation process much larger than technology alone, one highly reliant on people and processes. VoxPop will play a particularly important role in our journey as it will look into non-technological challenges to ensure a sound and resilient ecosystem governance, and ways of defining and adopting new business models. Likewise, we believe promoting user-centricity to be a fundamental piece of the puzzle, one to ensure both citizens and companies have a voice.

Miguel Gaspar, Deputy Mayor for Mobility, Safety, Economy and Innovation.
The project in numbers
of trips made in the metropolitan area are made by car
operators provide shared transport services (e-scooters and car-sharing) in the city
new start-ups are setup every day in Lisbon
Total ERDF budget granted
Challenge addressed

Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, offers a unique set of features favourable to the global entrepreneurial community: reasonably well-connected, highly skilled workforce with good command of English, charming landscape and lovely climate.
But with a territory of 100 km2 and a resident population of around 550,000 inhabitants, along with a substantial daily commute inflow from neighbouring councils that doubles the number of city users every day and over 10 million tourists a year, the city has to find ways to effectively accommodate the needs of its users, namely by ensuring a proper functioning of its mobility system, one of the key levers of the local economy.
VoxPop will then approach the mismatch between the efforts that have been channelled to enhance the mobility system and the expectations and needs of the city users, by tackling a combination of challenges:
- the paradigm of data underuse in a data overflow environment due to dormant, scattered and siloed operational data;
- misrepresented understanding of user needs;
- lack of systematic approaches and solutions currently not embedded in daily operations to enable future use;
- inability to manage the public space effectively, to some extent prompted regulatory blind spots;
- vendor lock-in and concerns around data usage practices by the private sector.

Solution proposed

VoxPop aims to translate multi-party data into actionable intelligence through the creation of a sustainable and responsible public and private data-sharing ecosystem intended at:
1. enabling the creation of enhanced user-centred mobility services;
2. unlocking more efficient methods of planning, operating and maintaining transport-related assets.

  • City of Lisbon
  • Lisbon's Municipal Company for Mobility and Parking - Public Service Provider
  • Lisbon's Bus and Tram Company - Public Service Provider
  • Lisbon Metro - Public Service Provider
  • TML- Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa – public company
  • ARMIS Information Systems - SME
  • Beta-I - SME
  • Deloitte Portugal - private enterprise
Expected results

On a strategic level, the envisaged objective is to increase the efficiency of the urban mobility system by enhancing the effectiveness of the mobility services provided. This will lead to an increased quality of life and a more competitive local economy, while at the same time contributing to the reduction of the negative environmental impacts (namely CO2 emissions and air pollution).
More specifically, VoxPop will lead to:
- a higher meaningful use of (public and private) data;
- an increased number of decisions and priorities based on concrete evidence;
- a higher number of mobility services created with a user-centred approach;
- a higher number of processes and practices that improve the quality of the practitioners’ work;
- an increased efficiency in managing and control public space use;
- a reduced reliance on particular service providers, and increased interoperability of systems;
- an enhanced control of citizens’ personal data use.

Main milestones

February 2020: take-off of the Innovators Alliance, an open forum to facilitate dialogue with the wider group of stakeholders, in particular private mobility solution providers.
September 2020: deployment of the Urban Access Point kicks-off, an important tool to manage access to public and private data sets.
November 2020: launch of the Urban Mobility Innovators Open Call, an invitation to the wider community of innovators aiming at the creation of novel digital solutions addressing accessibility and safety challenges.
March 2021: final release of the client-observer app, a feedback tool for customers of public transport.
September 2021: wider release of the Digital Mobility Identity, a web-based service offered to citizens allowing them to feed information to the city on their needs and preferences as users of the mobility system, as well as personal data for better control of their data.
May 2021: launch of the Urban Mobility Observatory, a repository of information concerning urban mobility measures targeted at external audiences.

The project in numbers
of trips made in the metropolitan area are made by car
operators provide shared transport services (e-scooters and car-sharing) in the city
new start-ups are setup every day in Lisbon
Total ERDF budget granted
Contact of the project
Hugo Costa
Project manager
Josep Salanova Grau
UIA Expert

Project news & events

EMEL app

Co-creating the EMEL app


Asset management tool

EMEL open data platform

EMEL open data platform

VoxPop project has ended and it has set up the foundations for the data sharing eco-system...
Lisbon Mobility Goes Digital

VoxPop's Final journal

The VoxPop project arose from a need identified by several local actors to work in a more collaborative and transparent way to share mobility data in ...

Extension of the bike lane network

VoxPop project has delivered significant outputs for improving cycling conditions in Lisbon ...

Zoom-in about the VoxPop open call for innovators

This video presents the second zoom-in of the VoxPop project. ...
Lisbon inhabitant's profile

VoxPop project has delivered the Lisbon Urban Mobility Observatory

People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon (VoxPop) is the project that will foster ...
The Vox Pop Project Journal No 3

The Vox Pop Project Journal No 3

The Vox Pop Project - Journal No 3 ...
VoxPop impact assessment framework

VoxPop project has delivered the impact assessment framework

The project has ended and delivered its outputs. This web article is dedicated to the impact assessment of the project outputs....
VoxPop open call for urban mobility innovation

VoxPop open call for urban mobility innovation

People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon (VoxPop) is the project that will foster ...
Panoramic of Lisbon

The Vox Pop Project Journal No 2

People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon (VoxPop) is the new project that will fos...
Mobility observatory

VoxPop is delivering the first outputs


Trends on EU Urban mobility data sharing platforms: the digital transition of the cities’ mobility system

In the last ten years, efforts have been made by the European Commission and the European Parliament to create EU policies at a local level. In this f...
Traveling with mobility impairments in Lisbon

Traveling with mobility impairments in Lisbon

Presentation of the status of the mobility of people with impairments in Lisbon and the VoxPop navigation support tool for vulnerable city users. ...
Open Call for European Innovaters

VoxPop open call for proposals has been published

The role of data in regulating urban mobility

The role of data in regulating urban mobility

VoxPop - People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon...
Desired paths without bike lane using bike-sharing system (BBS) - GIRA in October 2021 12th & 14th.

VoxPop - Advanced analytics to gather actionable insights to the city of Lisbon.

VoxPop - People, Processes and Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon – was created to facilitate the di...
Bike-sharing system (BBS) user journeys May 2021, 5th

VoxPop has laid the foundations to roll out the digitalization of the mobility landscape of Lisbon

The Innovators Alliance has laid the foundations for the definition of the data sharing framework by identifying the barriers, and started identifying...
Placing users at the core of mobility products development: the case of VoxPop in Lisbon

Placing users at the core of mobility products development: the case of VoxPop in Lisbon

When the City of Lisbon started the conception of its UIA initiative VoxPop this was framed as an undertaking aiming to foster the sharing of data and...
Active mobility and public transport in Lisbon

The VoxPop Project Journal No 1

This is the first edition of the VoxPop journal and aims at introducing the project, the expectations of the partners and the most relevant challenges...
Bicycles in Avenida Guerra Junqueiro, Lisbon

VoxPop started rolling out the proposed solutions to facilitate/promote digitalization of mobility in Lisbon

People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon (VoxPop) is the new project that will fos...
VoxPop has developed its first value proposition, a secure bike parking solution as an enabler of cycling in the City of Lisbon

VoxPop has developed its first value proposition, a secure bike parking solution as an enabler of cycling in the City of Lisbon

Covid-19 led to major changes in the way people move. In Lisbon, as in many other cities worldwide, bicycles took over the streets once the first lock...

The digitalization of mobility in Lisbon

People, Processes & Technology towards the digital transformation of the urban mobility system of Lisbon (VoxPop) is the new project that will fos...

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