The project achieved the following:
• Mobilization of the main actors in the city’s urban mobility system, securing political commitment and achieving cross-departmental work, through the promotion of a forum to stimulate dialogue and establishing a collaborative process to overcome current barriers in sharing data between organizations;
• Identification, through a participatory approach, of challenges for urban mobility where sharing of data can generate opportunities, with elaboration of 13 use cases following a collaborative and cooperative approach;
• Co-development of previously identified use cases (in the proposal) involving the use of already available city data, and with particular focus on platform development (e.g. apps furniture), delivering functional requirements for technological solutions;
• Training entities for data science, combined with social and human sciences and with qualitative research methods centered on people, in order to generate information that facilitates the creation of new mobility solutions or the improvement of those already available;
• Implementation of solutions, using digital technology, to enhance accessibility for people with reduced mobility, through the attraction of European innovators in responding to the urban mobility challenges of these communities. This was achieved by launching a public procurement able to attract mobility innovators and to achieve expected results, ensuring local benefits.