From well-to-wheel, to EV-to-event

A wave of awareness about decarbonization and sustainability is surrounding us, in a way that none of our everyday processes is unaffected by this. From minimizing the use of plastics and encouraging reuse, to maximizing the use of renewable energy sources for transport are some relevant examples that we can perceive in our day-to-day life.
In these times of strong concern for the fight against climate change, leading world-class influencers and decision-makers attend large conventions, such as the recent COP25 in Madrid, Spain, causing a great impact on media. However, this push unfortunately often translates into high-level, idle declarations of interest, lacking actions and mechanisms able to guarantee that those ambitious objectives may be accomplished.
Well, not entirely... One vibrant, livable city, Breda, in the Netherlands, holds out against that tendency with an exemplary leadership in AIRQON.
“We hear that events are looking for opportunities to make their event greener”, says Rozendal, “and they are very enthusiastic about AIRQON because in a very simple manner it is possible to have green energy”.