Inception report pic

Financial schemes have long been a cornerstone of the private sector, driving innovation, growth, and sustainability. As cities face resource constraints and traditional funding sources become insufficient, urban policymakers, practitioners and stakeholders are increasingly seeking to adapt and implement financial schemes within the public sector to do more with less in tackling urban development challenges. Recognising the growing need for financing bold and innovative solutions in cities to tackle multi-faceted and complex challenges, and the increasing importance of innovative funding solution in this process, the objective of this report is to shed light on the need for innovation in finance to address new urban challenges; to further understand the concept of innovation in public finance and their application at local level; to better grasp the opportunities and challenges associated with their use; and to determine the factors that may contribute to their success in different sectors of sustainable urban development. This inception report, developed on the basis of a literature review, is part of a comprehensive study examining innovative financing schemes (hereafter referred as IFSs) used by projects funded through the Urban Innovation Action (UIA) initiative. The goal of this study is to identify and analyse key IFSs that are easily accessible and effective in promoting urban resilience, sustainable development, and social cohesion. By focusing on the most significant and practical IFSs, the study seeks to offer valuable insights into financial mechanisms that can shape more robust, environmentally conscious, and equitable urban environments. In line with the need for innovation in financing EU projects, the study aims to collect, learn from and share the experiences of UIA cities which have successfully developed and used IFSs, in order to inspire urban authorities of EU to seek alternative avenues of funding for their urban challenges.

This inception report and study target urban practitioners, including professionals in urban planning, and related fields working for local administrations and local authority stakeholders involved in urban development policymaking. By examining the IFSs employed in UIA projects, this study aims to provide practical insights, making these innovative financing approaches more tangible for urban practitioners across Europe. As such, the study seeks to indicate how IFS can be adapted in cities of various sizes and to contribute to sustainable urban development strategies by informing future initiatives within the EU regional and cohesion policy framework.

As the biggest users of energy and the majority contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, cities are at the forefront of Europe’s climate neutral ambitions. They will, at the same time, feel the impacts of climate change. Being the places where people and enterprises accumulate, they are also the most likely sources of innovation and behavioural changes to help achieve our net zero goals.


As the biggest users of energy and the majority contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, cities are at the forefront of Europe’s climate neutral ambitions. They will, at the same time, feel the impacts of climate change. Being the places where people and enterprises accumulate, they are also the most likely sources of innovation and behavioural changes to help achieve our net zero goals.


Several months after the Covid-19 crisis hit, the UIA programme decided it was necessary to step back and learn from the challenges that had arisen and from the successful (or not) practices implemented by UIA cities to overcome them. In light of the secular uncertainty in which cities must now develop and implement policies, the adaptive measures implemented by UIA projects during the COVID-19 crisis should be valuable to other UIA projects and EU cities.

Annex References



UIA @EURegionsWeek: Innovation for Just Urban Transitions

SAVE THE DATE- UIA will be present at the European Week of Regions and Cities on 14th October (11.30-13.00 CET).
During this key EU Regional and Urban policy event, the Initiative will launch its two-years-long Knowledge Activity on Just Transitions in the urban context. Register and explore urban authorities’ contribution to design just zero-carbon transitions that leave no one behind.
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Urban Development Network webinars: UIA, achievements and perspectives

With 86 projects supported, UIA has entered in a decisive phase in 2020, aiming at transferring, through the Knowledge Management Strategy, the wealth of knowledge and experiences projects are generating, whilst also laying down the basis to prepare the UIA Initiative for the next Programming period 2021-2027. In this context, the Urban Development Network (UDN) and UIA are joining forces to organize a series of webinars. Join us!
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Behaviour change for sustainable mobility -Join the online event!

On 1 December, Urban Innovative Actions Initiative and the Policy Learning Platform of Interreg Europe are joining forces to reflect on behavior change for urban sustainable mobility. From 14:00 to 16:00 PM CET you are invited to join us to learn more and ask your questions directly to cities experimenting innovative solutions to push travellers from individual transport means and pull them to non-motorized transport or collective means.
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Housing Fair Finance

As part of a one-year learning activity, URBACT and UIA organised third and final web conference on Thursday 19 November (10am-12pm CET) on the topic of housing fair finance.
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Making the most of food in cities @EURegionsWeek 2020

This year the 18th European Week for Regions and Cities goes online from 5 to 22 October 2020. Follow-up on UIA knowledge activities and register to the session on urban food policies organised by the UIA Initiative.

Discover UIA cities bold food solutions to tackle complex urban challenges!
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UIA session @EURegionsWeek: How to implement the right to housing?

This year the 18th European Week for Regions and Cities goes online from 5 to 22 October 2020. Follow-up on UIA housing activities and register to the "How to implement the right to housing? " session. During this key EU Regional and Urban policy event, the Initiative will give the floor to UIA cities and EU-level organisations to present their first findings on housing municipal schemes in times of COVID.
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UIA session @EURegionsWeek: Innovation for Urban Mobility

This year the 18th European Week for Regions and Cities goes online from 5 to 22 October 2020. Follow-up on UIA knowledge activities related to urban mobility and register to the "Innovation and Mobility " session.
Join us as we dive into UIA cities reflection and experience on innovation and mobility and discover urban findings and main lessons captured from UIA projects!
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Cities engaging in the right to housing - Web conference #2 - No one left behind

Today, more European cities and social movements are calling governments at all levels to take responsibility for reaffirming housing as a right and not as a commodity. They are also showing the way by trying out concrete actions to implement the right to housing. This web conference #2 was dedicated to housing exclusion, focussing on vulnerabilities related to homelessness and migration. At least 700 000 people are homeless any given night in the EU, 70% more than a decade ago. In addition, the current COVID-19 emergency shows how essential housing is, considering to that many people cannot access secure, safe home, or are at risk of housing difficulties loosing jobs and working opportunities.
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How can cities build alternative community-led housing models? - URBACT-UIA webconference on community-led practices

URBACT and UIA organised a web conference (24 April) on Community-Led practices, exploring the practical ways cities implement community-led practices for housing. 300 participants shared their ideas and experiences with city practitioners and experts on how to design alternative housing models that meet the residents needs for safe, adequate and affordable housing.
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Meet all UIA Cities at the Cities Forum in Porto!

The UIA is actively participating in the 4th edition of the Cities Forum, organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, and the City of Porto, on 30-31 January 2020 in Porto. Make sure to book your seat by Friday 29 November!
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Register to our online support sessions

In addition to the seminars, the Permanent Secretariat will also organise online sessions with applicants – two collective Q&A sessions, on 22 October (14:30 – 16:00 CET) and on 12 November (14:30 – 16:00 CET), as well as several one-to-one individual consultation sessions in November and December.
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UIA workshops at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2019

The European Week of Regions and Cities is the annual event organised by Committee of the Regions and DG Regional and Urban Policy for cities and regions. It will take place in Brussels from 07 to 10 October 2019. UIA will host two workshops and registrations are now open on the EUWRC website.
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UIA workshop on the Integration of Migrants and Refugees

The UIA initiative in cooperation with the City of Antwerp are pleased to invite you to the workshop entitled "The role of cities in the integration of migrants and refugees", taking place in the Flemish city on 12/13 June 2019, alongside the EUROCITIES Working group on Migration and Integration. Make sure to register before the 29th of May 2019.
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Register to our online support sessions

In addition to the seminars, the Permanent Secretariat will also organise online sessions with applicants – two collective Q&A sessions, on 04 and on 12 December, as well as several one-to-one individual consultation sessions in January.
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Three UIA workshops at the European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities is the annual event organised by Committee of the Regions and DG Regional and Urban Policy for cities and regions. It will take place in Brussels from 08 to 11 October 2018. UIA will host three workshops. Registrations now open on the EUWRC website.
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UIA projects at the EU Sustainable Energy Week!

As part of the upcoming EU Sustainable Energy Week, the UIA initiative will partner up with the Urban Agenda Energy transition partnership for the “Energy transition in action” workshop. The workshop will take place on the 5th of June, from 4 to 5.30pm in Brussels (Charlemagne building, meeting room “De Gasperi”).
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UIA at the UDN workshop for Irish cities

The Urban Development Network Workshop will take place in Cork on 27th March 2018. The workshop is organised by the Commission, the Committee of the Regions, the Southern Regional Assembly and the City of Cork as hosts. Members of the UIA Permanent Secretariat will take part together with representatives from UIA projects.
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Watch the webinar on the project management and communication work packages, and register to the live Q&A!

Can a Delivery partner be in charge of the project management? What do you need to ensure a sound management and coordination of the project? You would like to receive some practical examples and advice to better structure your project management WP? How to design a communication strategy? Learn all you need to know in this pre-recorded webinar. Still have questions? Register to the online Q&A session to be held on 9 March 2018 from 10am (CET)!
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UIA at the Urban Future Global Conference 2018

More than 3,000 city changers are meeting in Vienna from 28 February until 02 March at the UFGC, Europe’s largest event for sustainable cities. UIA will be part of it with a stand and speakers from UIA projects will participate in workshops, come and join us!
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Watch the webinar on the eligibility of funds and register to the live Q&A!

Does your project fit the activities you are proposing in your Work Plan? Does each project partner need to secure co-financing contribution? Are all your planned project costs eligible? Learn all you need to know in this pre-recorded webinar. Still have questions? Register to the online Q&A session to be held on 23 February 2018 from 10.00am (CET)!
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Applicant Seminar in Malmö

UIA will hold an Applicant Seminar in Malmö on 07 February 2018. Registration for this event is now closed. If you wish to attend, please send us an email at
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Applicant Seminar in Zagreb

UIA will hold an Applicant Seminar in Zagreb on 23 January 2017. Registration for this event is closed. If you wish to attend, please send an email to
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UIA at the Cities Forum

The 3rd edition of the Cities Forum organised by the European Commission will take place in Rotterdam on 27/28 November 2017. UIA will be present with a stand and UIA cities will participate in workshops and panel discussions. Register now!
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UIA workshop at the European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities is the annual event organised by Committee of the Regions and DG Regional and Urban Policy for cities and regions. It will take place in Brussels from 09 to 12 October 2017. UIA will host a workshop on 10 October together with DG REGIO. Registrations are now closed.
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UDN event on the UIA 2nd call for Proposals

The Urban Development Network (UDN), managed by the European Commission, and the UIA Permanent Secretariat are joining forces to support urban authorities interested in the 2nd UIA Call for Proposals in preparing their project proposals.
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Applicants webinars - 2nd Call for Proposals

Over the course of February, the Permanent Secretariat of the UIA initiative will organise a series of four webinars to support interested organisations in the preparation of their 2nd Call application.
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UIA at the European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities (formerly the Open Days) is the annual event organised by Committee of the Regions and DG Regional and Urban Policy for cities and regions. It will take place in Brussels from 10 to 13 of October 2016. UIA 's interactive session on 11th of October is already fully booked!
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CoR Forum on the EU Urban Agenda

The Committee of the Regions is organizing a forum on the EU Urban Agenda in the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam on the 30th of May 2016. UIA will attend and hold a stand in the exhibition area.
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