Applicants webinars - 2nd Call for Proposals
These four webinars will provide complementary information to those presented during applicants seminars and will focus on the main strategic and operational aspects of a UIA application. They will notably aim at providing participants with insights and lessons learnt from the 1st Call for Proposals on various subjects such as the expectations on the innovativeness of applications, the creation of strong and relevant partnerships, the design of a solid and robust intervention logic and budget, and finally a zoom on management and communication activities.
- Webinar n°1: Introduction to UIA initiative and UIA expectations
When: 2 February 2017 (from 10am to 11.30)
Description : The innovativeness of the solution proposed is the main selection criteria for UIA projects. During this Webinar, the UIA Permanent Secretariat will introduce the main requirements of the UIA Initiative in terms of innovation. Building on the experiences of the first call, we will present the main typologies of innovative projects (revolutionary and evolutionary innovation) and provide information on methodologies and techniques for benchmark
If you have missed it, you can watch the video here.
- Webinar n°2: Creating a UIA partnership
When: 9 February 2017 (from 10am to 11.30)
Description : Co-designing and co-implementing innovative solutions are key dimensions of successful UIA projects. During this Webinar, the UIA Permanent Secretariat will present the main criteria of eligibility for urban authorities. Building on the experiences of the first call, we will provide information on how to set up an effective and innovative partnership for UIA proposals.
Watch the video here.
- Webinar n°3: Building your intervention logic and drafting your budget
When: 16 February 2017 (from 10am to 11.30)
Description: The quality and clarity of the project’s intervention logic and the related budget are essential aspects that will be assessed in the framework of a UIA Call for Proposals. Building on the experiences of the first call, the UIA Permanent Secretariat will advise participants to this webinar on how to design a coherent intervention logic (and work plan) as well as define a budget that demonstrates a good value for money.
Registrations are now closed.
- Webinar n°4: Planning your project management and communication strategy
When: 23 February 2017 (from 10am to 11.30)
Description: Managing a partnership composed by different stakeholders and communicating effectively with target groups and beneficiaries are two challenges that UIA projects will face in the implementation phase. During this webinar, the UIA Permanent Secretariat will provide participants with examples from the first call of effective and innovative management mechanisms and communication activities.
To help us prepare the webinars in the best possible way to meet the audience’s expectations, we warmly invite participants to list any questions they may have about the webinar’s topic during their registration.
During each of the webinars, a large amount of time will be devoted to a live Questions and Answers (Q&A) session. Officers from the Permanent Secretariat will answer some of the questions previously collected during the registration process as well as live questions from the audience.
Registration is required to join any of the above webinars. The registration will start from the 11 of January and will close few days before each webinar.
Please note that if you wish to be involved in more than one webinar, you must register to each of the webinars you want to participate to.
The webinars will be organised on a dedicated UIA visioconference platform (WebEx). To participate to these webinars, participants will need to install a dedicated plugin on their computer beforehand. All instructions can be found in the document available on the present page.