UIA session @EURegionsWeek: How to implement the right to housing?
Participatory lab co-organised by Urban Innovative Actions initiative and URBACT, 14 October, 09.30-11.00, through ZOOM (Code: 14PL1273V)
In the last months, governments across Europe invested unprecedented efforts to keep safe those at risk with cities implementing exceptional strategies and measures to keep everyone housed. In some cases, this nearly reduced homelessness to zero. However, in the aftermath of the emergency peak of last spring, long-term affordable, adequate and dignified solutions become a mandate that cannot be blinded.
In 2020, UIA and URBACT are exploring how cities can design housing policies and practical solutions to implement the right to housing. The goal of this session is to exchange about the cities engagement, their experiences in practice while pushing the agenda on the right to housing in Europe and to enrich the EU Urban Agenda work further. EU-level organisations engaged in the #right2housing will have a space to share their inputs on affordable housing and their (current) situation.
Moderator: Laura Colini, UIA-URBACT expert, Tesserae Urban Social Research, Germany.
Federica De Pace, Junior Economist, OECD, France.
Silvia Ganzerla, Policy Director, Eurocities, Belgium.
Michaela Kauer, Coordinator of the EU Urban Agenda Housing Partnership, City of Vienna, Austria.
Bent Madsen, President of Housing Europe, Housing Europe, Belgium.
Barbara Steenbergen, Head of EU Office, International Union of Tenants, Belgium.
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