19 Nov 2020
Events by UIA Permanent Secretariat

Housing Fair Finance

Housing Fair Finance
As part of a one-year learning activity, URBACT and UIA organised third and final web conference on Thursday 19 November (10am-12pm CET) on the topic of housing fair finance.

Today, more European cities and social movements are calling governments at all levels to take responsibility for reaffirming housing as a right and not as a commodity. They are showing the way by trying out concrete actions to implement the right to housing.

This web conference #3 was dedicated to the topic of fair finance. More specifically, we explored what role, responsibilities and levers of action cities have in relation to the financialisation of their housing market.

After a short introduction, the web conference featured UIA and URBACT city cases that are experimenting solutions towards the provision of adequate housing. We then openned up the discussion with a debate on the role of urban authorities, national and EU levels in enabling housing fair finance, considering as well the potentialities of the EU recovery package.

To know more about it, read the preparatory paper.

The outcomes of this webinar are to build directly on the European Urban Agenda Partnership on affordable housing work, and to explore a set of actions and recommendations in terms of better knowledge among cities, also aiming at pushing the agenda on the right to housing EU wide.

Building on the experience of UIA and URBACT cities, the EU urban agenda partnerships, practitioners and experts, this web conference is the last of a series on the role of cities in working to implement this fundamental right.

You missed it? Watch it again on UIA Youtube Channel.

Moderated by: Laura Colini, UIA/URBACT expert & Iván Tosics, URBACT expert

These web conferences are part of the joint UIA-URBACT knowledge activity. Any questions? Get in touch o.tainguy@uia-initiative.eu / a.fauvel@urbact.eu
