Watch the webinar on the eligibility of funds and register to the live Q&A!

As part of the complementary set of support actions for the third Call for Proposals, the Permanent Secretariat has just published its third webinar dedicated to strengthening budget setting and eligibility of costs. Applicants planning to submit a proposal are strongly invited to watch the webinar.
It will present main elements and components that make a good project budget. It also provides applicants with useful tips and reminders to keep in mind before pressing the submit button.
This pre-recorded webinar will be followed by an online live collective Q&A session, which will give the opportunity to any interested applicants to ask their budget and eligibility related questions directly to our officers
This online session will be held on 23 February 2018 from 10.30am (CET). To attend this session, you must register to the event and install the attached WebEx plugin before joining the event.