The second edition of BC Labs has just started

Some companies, which are co-managing the training also gave information about how bc labs will develop during this edition, they talked about real expectations of find job in these niches of employment and define the different needed profiles. Moreover, former participants also collaborated in these meetings telling their own experience in MILMA.
In this edition were celebrated different informative meetings in order to facilitate specific information about each training. During these meetings, potential participants also had to pass a general test in order to move to the next stage: the group selection phase. There were made several group selections for each BC Lab (between one and three). At least 8 people participated in each group selection.
Finally, in October, all bc labs were launched and right now 131 people are being trained until March 2020. The seven BC Labs that are taking place during this second edition are: Upholstering Lab, Installation of light pavements Lab, Urban and Industrial Waste Management Lab, Kitchen Assitant Lab, Garden Assitant Lab, Front End Web Development Lab, and Care for dependant people Lab.
Five of these laboratories are co-managed by enterprises which are the responsible of the training as well as of the development of the contents. However, Kitchen Assitant, Upholstering Lab and Installation of light pavements Lab are a really practice training and they do not need any guide.
Moreover, all the ETEIs have also started and people are being trained in soft skills too. In this edition, we had the chance of engage companies in order to enable a better identification of the most demanded soft skills in each of the niches of work.