MILMA project invited to share our experience in the event “Go local: supporting regions, cities and rural areas”

The conference was organised by the Committee of the Regions, who recently launched the initiative Cities and Regions for Integration, in cooperation with other Commission departments active in the field of integration, such as the Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Education and Culture, Regional and Urban Affairs and the Joint Research Centre.
The conference gathered representatives from local and regional authorities to inform them about the support available at EU level and give them an opportunity to exchange their practices and experience. However, NGOs and associations from all over the EU were present there to share their knowledge and exchange good practices as well.
Fuenlabrada was invited in the framework of the workshop “NARRATIVE MATTERS: COMMUNICATING INTEGRATION LOCALLY” to share our experience on the implementation of the Antirumors Strategy as a communication tool to fight rumours and stereotypes related to diversity.
By pointing out the importance of Cross-departmental collaboration in the local government level, we took this opportunity to talk about the collaboration between the Social Welfare Service, in charge of this Strategy and the Employment Department where the MILMA Project is developed.
Through this workshop, thus, we talked about the importance of changing the racist narrative and the prejudices by training people and associations willing to participate, giving them the skills and the knowledge to face the racist stereotypes and rumours, so that they can apply the acquired knowledge in their fields of work and personal lives.
This is where both projects, Antirumors and MILMA, go hand in hand when placing people, both local and migrants, at the centre of their communication strategy. Empower cities, associations, communities and citizens as active players in society with the municipality as a facilitator and driving force behind these initiatives.