Best artists of the SASMob Drawing Contest proud to be taken photos of with their works

For half a year already, non-traditional product placements can be seen on
- on three articulated Mercedes Citaros belonging to Volánbusz,
- on Škoda trolleybus 603,
- on SZKT’s self-constructed “953” extra service motor vehicle and
- on articulated Tatra 203.
An invitation-based drawing contest had been launched in the framework of the SASMob project. The contest was organised for the children of the employees of SASMob partner companies. The children were asked to draw how they imagine Szeged’s community transport in the (not too distant) future. The best drawing were printed on giant stickers, which were placed on the sides on vehicles. It was by now that the coronavirus pandemic and the protective measures against it have reached the point where the event could finally be held.
After the short welcome speech of Vice Mayor for City Development Sándor Nagy, each attending child was photographed at their own drawing. Some of them were willing to talk with me, some only answered with nods and shakes of the head.
Hédi Irma Mikó, a pupil of Class 6.b of Arany János Elementary School, said she was a real time travel enthusiast, and that is what she wanted to depict. The main motif in her picture is a teleport, through which the tram travels. – Thus the tram is always where the passengers want to be, without having to wait for the tram to travel the whole line – said Hédi.
Dávid Reichenberger goes to Madách Elementary School, where he is a pupil of Class 2.b. He admitted his mother had helped him a little with the colouring, but the message is entirely his: “I depicted a hovering trolleybus, I think this is how they will travel by 2050. The line will remain, but no wheels any longer. I drew the picture in the evenings.”
The first word that crossed 9-year-old Vera Horváth’s mind when she saw her drawing on the side of the bus was “special”. – It feels special to see it such a large size. I knew it was on a bus but this is the first time I have seen it myself. It is really different in such a size – said the Class-4.b-pupil of Tisza-parti School.
Nóri Pintér, who goes to Class 1. b, has even travelled on the Tatra which her drawing decorates – I have travelled on this tram with my grandma – she said proudly. She also told me that it had taken her two hours to make the picture, which she presented to me in detail: “there is a trolleybus, a hot air balloon, bees, birds and a house, which is half hidden behind the trolleybus, which happened to travel there.”
Find more about the drawing contest at the gallery below.