Online platform to be used by the projects to generate and submit the Application Form and Confirmation Sheet in the framework of the Calls for Proposals.
Checks carried out to verify that an application complies with certain eligibility criteria as defined by UIA.
All expenditure that is compliant with EU, UIA, national and partner organisation rules, and thus is eligible for ERDF co-financing. In the Progress Report, the total eligible expenditure is calculated based on the total expenditure, excluding revenue generated by the project.
A timeframe during which project expenditure must be incurred and paid (unless simplified cost options are used) in order to qualify for co-financing from the UIA funds (ERDF).
An entity delegated by the European Commission for the implementation of the Initiative. In the framework of the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative the Entrusted Entity is the Region Nord-Pas de Calais.
European Regional Development Fund
The programme financial support provided to the project from ERDF. Combined with the partners' contribution it forms the total project budget.