The glossary was last updated on 10/05/2016
Delegated Act

Non-legislative act from the EU Commission to supplement or amend certain elements of EU Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council. In the framework of UIA it authorises the Commission to delegate the implementation of the Initiative to an Entrusted Entity.

Delegation Agreement

Agreement signed between the Commission and the Entrusted Entity defining the entrusted tasks, the rules applicable to their implementation and the rights and obligations of the parties in their implementation.


Tangible or intangible object produced as a side-product of the project that contributes to the achievement of a project output. In general terms 2 or more deliverables are necessary to produce a project output.

Delivery Partner (DP)

Any organisation different from Urban Authorities, that has a direct role in the design and implementation of the project. It is responsible for the delivery of specific activities and the production of related deliverables/outputs. A delivery partner has a share of the budget and reports the costs incurred for the delivery of the activities.

Direct costs

Direct costs are costs that can be attributed directly to the project. They are directly related to an individual activity of the partner organisation, where the link with this individual activity can be demonstrated.