The glossary was last updated on 10/05/2016

Specific task performed for which resources are used. It's a work package component which shall result in a deliverable or an output.

Admissibility check

Checks carried out to ensure that all applications received in the framework of the calls for proposals are complete in terms of required information and documentation.

Application Form (AF)

Binding document which describes the project (objectives, results, outputs, partnership, budget) and gives detailed information on the work plan and financial figures. The AF has to be submitted during the selection process and is assessed by the Panel of External Experts and the Permanent Secretariat, in order to select the projects to be funded. Once the project is approved, the AF becomes the reference document for the whole implementation of the project until its closure. The content of it may change to a certain extent during the implementation, but only according to the UIA project modification rules and procedures.

Application pack

All documents related to a Call for Proposal. In the framework of UIA this includes the Terms of Reference for the Call, Application Form and the Confirmation Sheet and guidance.

Associated Urban Authority (AUA)

Urban Authority involved in a UIA project along with a Main Urban Authority in the framework of an association/grouping of urban authorities without a legal status of organised agglomeration. An Associated Urban Authority is not the main responsible organisation or the overall project implementation (the overall responsibility stays with the Main Urban Authority) but is responsible for the implementation of specific activities and the production of the related deliverables/outputs. It  has a share of the budget and  reports the costs incurred for the delivery of the activities.

Association (or grouping) of Urban Authorities

Association and/or grouping of urban authorities with a legal status of organised agglomeration or without a legal status of organised agglomeration and created on a voluntary basis by the authorities involved (already existing or created for the purpose of the UIA intiative).

Audit report

A report drafted by the auditor that summarises controls, findings and remarks, undertaken for a given reporting period.

Audit trail

An adequate audit trail ensures that the accounting records maintained and the supporting documents held at the level of the project partners and at Initiative level are adequate to trace expenditures.


Company or person in charge of the checks of project expenditure to be made during project implementation each time before submitting a progress report.