P4W Expert Journal 1: Get to know the project and what happened in the first 6 months!
He shares his insights on how P4W addresses this call for a structural change by creating a solution, which redesigns the journey to (re)employment for the lower educated workforce.
Most importantly, Ronald shares his thoughts on the project’s specific plan to achieve this, through an intersectoral transformation of the labour market and the development of a low threshold, intersectoral platform on which job seekers can create their own “passport for work” profile. In Ronald’s words, the P4W platform, will become a strong link between employers, employees and educational institutes to foster sustainable matches on the labour market.
In this journal, Ronald guides his audience through all the project’s major achievements and accomplishments so far, and discusses the development of the project through the lens of the seven implementation challenges. Read through to get an idea on how the project aims to mitigate each of them!