Project news
Modifier 08 August 2019

OpenAgri presents “Promised Land: the future of urban consumption”

"Promised Land" event in Milan
On June 20th-21st Municipality of Milan organized Promised Land, a two-day event discussing about future skills, new technologies, narratives and policies with which cities are imagining new relations between production, consumption and sustainability of their agri-food systems.

Thursday, June 20th

In the opening session, the cities of Milan, Madrid, Maribor, Pozzuoli and Lille discussed the challenges put forward by projects funded by the European initiative Urban Innovative Actions, sharing the first results and future prospects.

The event was also an opportunity to frame the theme within a broader perspective through the intervention of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which in its recent "Cities and circular economy for food" report underlines the urgency of redesigning the food production system.

The first day was concluded by an event aimed at the city: the screening of the new award-winning documentary by Stefano Liberti and Enrico Parenti "Soyalism", which describes the industrial system of pig breeding and soy production that, from the United States to Brazil, shed a crisis to small local agriculture, our health and that of our planet.

Friday, June 21st

The second day was opened by Leonardo Previ, founder of Trivioquadrivio, who will focus on the theme of open innovation for sustainability, where agri-food appears to be a very promising field of experimentation.

Several moments of confrontation (round tables, panels, interactive workshops) followed with some realities that best represent the innovation ecosystem in the agrifood domain (including Deloitte and some startups, Costa Crociere, Fairtrade Italia, Crédit Agricole), with the protagonists of highly experimental projects and policies (public agricultural land made available to social innovation projects, organic and sustainable productive enterprises that employ disadvantaged people, forms of agriculture supported by the community – CSA) and with researchers and scholars who look with interest at these phenomena.

Finally, we discussed with Cristina Tajani, deputy Mayor for Labour Policies, Productive Activities, Commerce and Human Resources of the Municipality of Milan, on the role that public policies can play in supporting such dynamics.

Enjoy the video interviews and the photo galleries of the event on the OpenAgri facebook page (Day 1 and Day 2)!

Author: OpenAgri Project Team


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