Adoption potential survey

TMaaS provides citizens and traffic managers with a tool that offers them multimodal mobility in their cities. The platform is based on modular solutions that can be used à la carte in different contexts. This online survey looks at the adoption potential of this platform by small and medium-sized cities. Could this form of traffic monitoring be of interest to them too? The questions are aimed primarily at respondents who work in mobility or traffic management for a local municipality, city or government authority. But other interested parties are also more than welcome to participate, according to researcher Peter Mechant. “The aim of the survey is to provide a picture of the market potential for the solutions developed by TMaaS,” he explained.
“It's a fairly short survey, so we don't take up much of the respondents' time. Our prime target group in fact are people who are involved in traffic management and mobility in general. These may be people who work for the government or in the private sector. Even those who are not actively employed in this field, but have a healthy interest in mobility, are more than welcome!”
Overall picture
The survey is made up of a series of questions aimed at providing insight into the potential interest in a platform like TMaaS. Peter Mechant: “We ask, for example, to assess whether a city or a company is ready technologically to use this type of tool. The seven basic modules of the platform are also covered and respondents are asked just how much they understand about these modules. If you want to know whether a concept has a future, you need to know first if people understand what it is all about.” In the second part of the survey, respondents are asked questions, the answers to which help us assess the potential for the adoption of the platform. Peter Mechant: “Among others, we ask respondents to rank the various components according to importance. We also check how much they would be willing to pay for the system. This eventually gives us a global picture of the level of interest in the platform, its relevance and importance.”
Do you have ten minutes? Spend them usefully and complete the survey! You can find it here: Adoption potential survey. It would be very helpful! Furthermore, you gain a concise picture of the platform and who knows, it might inspire you! And rest assured: your answers are processed anonymously. Many thanks in advance!