Royal interest in the career start guarantee
During Queen Máxima's working visit, attention was devoted to the many experiments currently underway in South Rotterdam. This part of the city has to contend with difficult issues related to employment, education, housing and crime. Due to the multi-problem aspect, many of the usual methods, interventions and approaches have no, or insufficient, effect. This is why new methods are also embraced in South Rotterdam. The area has served as the 'social laboratory of the Netherlands ' for a couple of years now.
Therefore, the enthusiasm demonstrated by the partners in South Rotterdam with regard to the career start guarantee does not come out of the blue. And that was something that did not escape Queen Máxima's attention. During the working visit it appeared that the Queen already knew a lot about South Rotterdam and the ways in which NPRZ partners strive to improve the life of residents.
As part of her working visit the Queen visited Albeda College, where a discussion was held on career orientation and guidance, which naturally included the specially developed career ctart guarantee. This is a job guarantee pupils receive at the beginning of their intermediate vocational education (MBO) if they opt for a job in the healthcare, technical, construction or food sector. The Queen discussed it with teachers, employers and students.
Her questions and comments revealed that the Queen possesses a good understanding of how significant and problematic the challenges are in South Rotterdam. And that small steps are slowly being made, including tools such as the career start guarantee. She was pleased to see that the job guarantee offers young people in South Rotterdam some much-needed support. She had one more thing to add: that it unleashes a great deal of passion. After all she believes that to be the most important building block for success.
More information about the career start campaign can be obtained from Edwin Cornelisse at
Author: Edwin Cornelisse, communications adviser for BRIDGE and the National Urgency Programme South Rotterdam (NPRZ).