Project journal
Modifier 12 May 2020
by Alessandro Coppola, UIA Expert

Implementing the MARES de MADRID project: Get an update in the 5th UIA journal

Implementing the MARES de MADRID project: Get an update in the 5th UIA journal
UIA Expert Alessandro Coppola drives us through the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Madrid regarding the development and strengthening of the social and solidarity economy in four neighbourhoods.

In his 5th Journal, Alessandro discusses all project progresses at the time of its official closure and of its challenging transition at a time of political and administrative change in the city of Madrid. He updates us on the overall quantitative dimensions of its activities, ranging from the numbers of economic projects it has supported to the distribution of their legal identity within and outside the social and solidarity economy and throughout the number and distribution of the 'learning communities' it has created. Then He moves to discuss one of the most relevant and critical dimensions of the initiative, i.e. the relation between the placed-based work oriented at engaging the local communities and the more sector-oriented work aimed at developing new economic ecosystems at the urban level. He finally touches upon the development of one of the five sectoral focus area of the initiative, that of care, by discussing the challenging context of this sector in Madrid, the overall strategy it has pursued and the economic projects it has supported. 


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Madrid - Spain