Implementing the MARES de MADRID project: Get an update in the 4th UIA journal
In his 4th Journal, Alessandro discusses all project progresses; from the launching of the Mar of Food and Care to the development of the social and solidarity economy sub-projects MARES has supported since the beginning. We find out about the final works on the Mar of Mobility in the neighbourhood of Vallecas and Care, and the Mar of Recycling and Care in Vicalvaro.
In the journal, Alessandro also presents and discusses the overall quantitative dimensions of the projects that have been promoted and their characteristics in terms of organisational forms and sectorial specialisation. He also touches upon the issue of the relationship between the Mares de Madrid initiative as a key component of the social and solidarity economy strategy and the larger economic development framework promoted by the city itself. Finally, he dives into the experience of the new Mar of Food and Care and more in particular into the complex workings of its collective kitchen.