Emissions trading application to be tested in Lahti

Approximately 100 Lahti University of Applied Sciences polytechnic students registered for the first phase of the application. In addition, the project team members are involved in testing the application. The group of testers was convened quite easily. The number of participants was limited by the fact that currently only the app version suitable for Android phones is under testing.
During the testing phase, the functionality of the technology will be tested when the application has a large number of users at the same time, and will also examine how the price of the allowance develops. In addition, the background calculation of the application will be tested. On the basis of the test period, the application will be developed to make it more functional.
In personal emissions trading, each user is assigned the permissible quantity of emissions in accordance with the city's emission reduction targets. Each user has access to a weekly renewable emissions budget, which is consumed in a manner dependent on the user's mobility choices. By choosing sustainable mobility modes, users can lower their emissions budgets and earn virtual money. When the emissions budget is exceeded, the savings dwindle, but they do not go on the minus side. With road barriers, it is possible to redeem local businesses as well as the city's sustainable products and services from the app's marketplace. The current testing stage does not yet test the functionality of the marketplace and virtual money.
The emissions trading scheme has been developed in co-operation between the City of Lahti, higher education institutions and business enterprises. The platform has been developed by Good Sign Oy, whose licence has been acquired by the City of Lahti. The functionality of the operating system is the responsibility of Future Dialog Oy.
The application is scheduled for introduction in September 2019, when it should be available for downloading by all Lahti residents via the app stores.
Author: CitiCAP project team