The city of Sofia is a finalist in the European Mobility Week Awards 2022!

The award is given to cities with the most impressive events and initiatives during the European Mobility Week, as well as cities with a wide variety of initiatives for ecologically better transportation services and air pollution reduction policies.
Sofia is nominated “for its new transportation service under the INNOAIR project that better combines citizens' mobility demands and reduced environmental impact. Services include electric buses, an on-demand mobile application, green corridors and new more affordable tariffs. The InnoAir project also seeks to reduce air pollution through traffic calming measures as part of the European Union’s Urban Innovative Actions”, as the official announcement says.
Last year’s EMW in Sofia culminated with the Car-Free Day, during which the INNOAIR project presented its brand-new electric minibuses that are a part of the brand new on-demand transportation service in the southern districts of Sofia.
We wish Sofia and the InnoAir project good luck in the final stage of the European Mobility Week Awards 2022!