Fonds européen de développement régional
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
Search below for such wonders of the project, as; - how to become a common platform, with your own powers, - how to cement partnerships between all ...
This final ZOOM-IN 3 concentrates on the unexpected results of the project, of which, there are many. They are surprising and show how strong individu...
In this Journal, UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski shows “the incredible resilience of many of the MiFriendly Cities partners and participants"....
UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski demonstrates “how, in normal circumstances the mixing of people coming from different countries and walks of life, can be...
UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski reveals how the project has developed its impact measurement. ...
UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski shares that “MiFriendly Cities has been running for 18 months and to celebrate this interim juncture partners have been l...
UIA Expert, Peter Wolkowinski, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
A bottom-up dominated adaptation to the needs of migrants and refugees in building a ‘Coventry for all’...
The essential elements of creating communities, innovation and social enterprises...
In his 6th and final journal, UIA Expert Nils Scheffler “focuses on presenting the lessons learned and recommendations from the 3-year long project, (...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler explores how “USE-IT! has set up a free accredited community research training programme to train interested local people do...
Take a look at the latest developments!...
Get to know better what Birmingham is doing on urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal. ...
In this first Zoom-In, the UIA Expert Nils Scheffler looked at one key element of the USE-IT! Project: the creation of a community of social enterpris...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler shares the project’s insights on how to qualify 180 local overseas migrants to become employees for the British health syste...
UIA Expert Nils Scheffler has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Birmin...
Third journal tells us how this complex project is being delivered and how it’s facing its challenges...
Interim results, lessons learnt and further actions needed....
This Journal 1 of the Green Minds project is providing insights on the first significant advancements in favour of rewilding and nature-based solution...
How the implementation of the Green Minds project successfully continued over the tough period of the pandemic by seizing the embedded opportunities ...
It was not in the plan of the IGNITION project, but under the COVID 19 restrictions, the project had to review its citizen engagement activities. It h...
Over the course of the IGNITION project, it became evident that not only the financing schemes and business models to implement nature-based solutions...
After three years of intensive work, the IGNITION project came to an end in spring 2022. It started with the idea of developing innovative financing m...
The goal of IGNITION, which started in November 2018, was to develop innovative financing schemes for the implementation of large-scale nature-based s...
Over summer 2021, the IGNITION partner Groundworks in collaboration with the charity We love Manchester organized a competition among local communitie...
With roughly half a year left to its end, the project’s results are taking shape, such as the fully functioning Living Lab with its multiple interconn...
Unlocking innovative sources of finance for nature-based solutions is a critical but challenging goal facing many city regions across Europe....
The multiple and immensely negative impacts of the COVID-19 crisis are felt almost everywhere and at all times. When the IGNITION project started in 2...
“The Living Lab at the University of Salford will be a critical element of the project.” That is what I was told at the beginning of the IGNITION proj...
IGNITION is mid-way on its journey to develop innovative financing for nature-based solutions. In this 2nd Journal, UIA expert Birgit Georgi sees a su...
Finding innovative solutions goes beyond business as usual approaches, though the driving partner might lack the specific skills and expertise require...
First Zoom In of the UIA project IGNITION and visualisation of the project’s citizen engagement activities....
In her 1st Journal, Birgit Georgi, UIA expert of the GSIP project, discusses all key activities that you need to know about, what the project is about...
IGNITION aims to develop innovative financing of nature-based solutions for climate resilience. The lead partner Greater Manchester Combined Authority...
Keeping the balance between doing too much and not doing enough is challenging, implicitly necessitating an overall integrated perspective and strateg...
How the Green Minds team aims to put nature at the heart of our decision making; encouraging individual connection with nature and a city-wide shift t...
In this Zoom-in, UIA expert Birgit Georgi tells how the IGNITION project triggered the creation of new businesses, business segments and more jobs; ...
This Zoom-in reflects on the lessons learned in the IGNITION project on the way to find wider options for local authorities – despite challenges - to ...
A core element of the IGNITION innovation project is the Living Lab at the campus of the University of Salford. Here, different nature-based solutions...
Coventry_Mifriendly_UIAExpert Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Coventry_MiFriendly Cities_UIAExpertJournal 2 (May 2019)
Coventry_MIFRIENDLY CITIES_Zoom-in 1 (Feb 2019)
Coventry_MIFriendly_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2018)
Coventry Journal 4: ‘Share My Language’ sessions
MiFriendlyCities @Coventry - Journal 5
Coventry Zoom-in 2_Changing realities in the West Midlands
A guide to developing a MiFriendly City
MiFriendly Cities Evaluation Report
Zoom-in_Community research for a community-oriented urban regeneration
Birmingham_USE-IT_Journal 5 (Octb 2019)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIA Zoom-in 2 (March 2019)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Birmingham_USE-IT_Zoom-in1 (September 2018)
Birmingham_USE-IT_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Birmingham_USEIT_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Greater Manchester Ignition Journal 1