Launch of the fourth Call for Proposals and introduction to its four topics at the EUWRC
200 participants joined the UIA workshop dedicated to the launch of the fourth Call for Proposals during the EUWRC on 11 October 2018. During the workshop, participants were introduced more in details to the four topics of the call by members of the European Commission:
- Digital transition was presented by Wolfgang HOEFS, DG Communication networks, Content and Technology
- Sustainable use of land and nature-based solutions was presented by Julie DELCROIX, DG Research and Innovation
- Urban poverty was presented by Andor URMOS, DG Regional and Urban Policy
- Urban security was presented by Eva ENGDAHL, DG Migration and Home Affairs
The presentations delivered for each topic are available on this page.
Representatives from two approved UIA projects, Yann Thoreau La Salle from the TAST’inFIVES project in Lille and Igor Kos from the Urban Soil 4 Food project in Maribor also joined the stage to present their innovative solutions and provide feedbacks from their experience as UIA project.
The call opened on 15 October 2018 and will close on 31 January 2019 at 2pm CET. An indicative budget of between EUR 80-100 million is allocated. Check our dedicated page where you will be able to download the documents in the Call in all EU languages and to get some tools to support you in the application process!