A creative station to promote social inclusion and diversity

Malaika: Each Monday Rebecca invites you to sewing workshops to revalue your fabrics (jeans and others) and create new unique and colourful pieces such as bags, dresses, ... She also has professional and technical skills to create clothes reflecting the cultural mix between Africa and Europe and uses wax, an African fabric, in a subtle way.
La Fée Pompette: Catherine set up to cowork and develop her oenology project on which she is already working. She will also bring her experience as an entrepreneur to the life of the « La Ruche ».
CO.FA.MON Asbl: the aim of CO.FA.MON is to provide help, multi-sectoral support and guidance to single-parent families. Already active in the Province of Liège, it wishes to move to « La Ruche » to be able to reach out more families in Seraing and benefit from better accessibility by public transport. For example, it offers: discussion groups between mothers, individual consultations, cultural outings, etc.
Couturez-moi: Nathalie organises sewing workshops to learn how to repair, alter and transform your clothes or your interior decoration by recycling raw materials.
Gère ton Passage en Secondaire: Christiane proposes to support 6th grade students in their transition to school and to help them to develop good work habits. She will be organising activities for children in the 6th grade.
Winners from first call are already active in the « La Ruche ». Most of them have maintained their activities.
Other activities
In the beginning of July several activities were organised : a bicycle repair shop, a nature walk. « La Ruche » is also becoming a public digital space. Once a week people are welcome to learn how to use a computer, surf on the Internet accompanied by a specialist.
The third call for projects is already launched! The third occupation will occur from October to December 2022. Then the renovation of the new creative station will end and occupants will move to a brand-new place!