Rennes Metropole

Digital transition

RUDI - Rennes Urban Data Interface

Since 2017 and the pre-launch of the metropolitan public service on data, Rennes Métropole has been leading a genuinely collaborative and partnership-based strategy on data. We are now entering a new stage in this endeavor, which is becoming all the more tangible with the creation of the RUDI portal. This tool will allow Rennes’ citizens to take back control over their personal data and give local companies the opportunity to improve the production of services that are efficient, cost-effective and respectful of public interest.

Isabelle Pellerin, Vice-President of Rennes Métropole, in charge of research, higher education and innovation
Chiffres clef
455 000
inhabitants live in 43 municipalities constituting Rennes Métropole
32 000
companies and 69 000 students
data sets available in open data
citizens recruited to co-create the project along with the 12 partners involved
Total ERDF budget granted
Challenge addressed

Under the pressure of new actors in the digital sector, cities are subject to a double requirement in providing local public services: adapting to new quality standards (speed, flow, individualization…) and guaranteeing that the criteria inherent to public services are maintained (fair treatment, neutrality, continuity of service, protection of privacy). The provision of these services, while ensuring they remain both efficient and respectful of public interest, implies the ability to process very large volumes of heterogeneous data produced by a wide variety of actors
Composed of 43 municipalities, Rennes Métropole is one of the metropole pioneering open data. Its innovative public policies in terms of transports, urbanism, waste management or local democracy enabled it to achieve a mature reflection on the challenges surrounding data management and a strong capacity of action to address them.
The challenging aspect of this project resides in involving administrations, private companies (startups and major groups), associations, researchers and Rennes Metropole inhabitants in the creation of an interface providing easy access to a great diversity of data in terms of nature, volume and production methods. The terms of access to, and use of data, are defined in a collaborative mode between every partner in the project. 

Solution proposed

The RUDI interface project consists in developing an innovative web portal, which grants access to the area’s data in order to promote the use of this data by each of the project’s partners but also by the all Rennes’ citizens. Conceived as a “data social network”, RUDI is based on the creation of a meta-catalog of data and offers features directed towards individuals to enhance their knowledge of, and control over their personal data, and towards the project holders to facilitate management of data rights and the implementation of innovative economic models. 

  • Rennes Métropole
  • Research Institute of Computer Science and Random Systems, Rennes 1 University
  • WesternLab for Economics and Management, Bretagne Sud University - research centre
  • Signal and Image Processing Lab, Rennes 1 University - research centre
  • Ouishare Experience SAS
  • Fing Association - NGO
  • Tiriad - private organisation
  • Development council of Rennes Metropole
  • Keolis Rennes  - public service provider
  • Enedis Bretagne - public service provider
  • GRDF Customers Territories Center West - public service provider
  • Ouest-France - press
Expected results

The key expected result is to have an effective data-sharing portal, which is used by its different beneficiaries and produces positive externalities over the entire territory. The transparency of personal data use and the capacity for citizens to take back control over their data as well as the number of effective public services produced by this work on data are results, which will become measurable upon the completion of the project.

Main milestones

January 2020: work on the project’s framework with the partners and definition of the working plan
July 2020: First version (called Alpha) of the RUDI portal and constitution of a citizen forum of citizens who will engage in the definition of the portal
May 2021: finalization of the RUDI prototype: beta version of the portal
July 2021: public event for the launch of usage tests for the portal 
May 2022: start of production of RUDI (version 1.0)
July 2022: general public event for the launch of RUDI 1.0

Chiffres clef
455 000
inhabitants live in 43 municipalities constituting Rennes Métropole
32 000
companies and 69 000 students
data sets available in open data
citizens recruited to co-create the project along with the 12 partners involved
Total ERDF budget granted
Contact du project
Marion Glatron
Project coordinator
Simon Chignard
UIA Expert

Actualités du projet

Participants in one of the workshops organised by Rudi

Citizens participation and mobilisation in Rudi: a multifaceted approach

Rennes Urban Data interface (Rudi) aims to develop data sharing for public interest at the local level. What roles could citizens play in that respect...
A man reading a document during one of the workshop on Rudi's governance model

Rennes Urban Data Interface - Zoom-in #2 - Let's design the governance model

This video reports on how the Rudi partners and key stakeholders designed the governance model for the future....
Rudi flagship event - Couvent des Jacobins - October 2021

RUDI - Rennes Urban Data Interface Journal 2: get an update about Rennes project

Rennes Urban Data Interface (Rudi) aims to develop a data-sharing platform at the local level. In this second journal, UIA Expert Simon Chignard highl...
Summer seminar - July 2021

Keeping everyone on the same page: Rudi's partners seminars in 2021

In 2021, the Rudi project partners met for two seminars, in July and November. What was the discussion about? How do these moments of exchange contrib...
RUDI Rennes Metropole

Rennes Urban Data Interface Zoom-in #1

Rudi aims to develop a platform for local data exchange. The project is now entering a new phase, represented by a call for projects to reuse data sha...
Data access map by the Open Data Institute

Data governance at the local level: lessons from European cities

UIA expert Simon Chignard reports a webinar organised by Rudi on data governance in April 2021, with the inputs of Marion Glatron (Rudi - Rennes Metro...
Rennes - 4th public meeting on the metropolitan public data service, december 2019

Rudi: climbing the learning curve

An innovative project rarely comes out of the blue, and Rudi makes no exception. The project is based on almost ten years of experimentation on local ...

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