Project news
Modifier 14 January 2024
by City of Budapest

DIY workshops with 1111 Budapest

DIY workshops with 1111 Budapest
Insert, in collaboration with 1111 Budapest offered several free DIY workshop series in the district. During the months, we organised 6 sessions about linocutting, 3 on papercutting, 2 about marble casting, 3 on ceramics, 2 on bookbinding, 1 about permaculture and one about museum pedagogy. These events were usually limited to 8 participants, the places always filled up quickly. 

The linocutting workshop showcased the use of linoleum plates and introduced the tools for carving. Participants learned the differences between linear and fill areas and, through detailed examples, mastered the nuances of the technique. The workshops were aimed at creating unique stamps using the linocut technique, such as ex libris. Participants were able to create their own personalized stamps based on their designs.

There was another workshop that revolved around the concept of permaculture, its design principles, and application areas. Participants were educated to take care of themselves, strive for small community cooperation, and follow an ecological lifestyle. As a closing event, a workshop was held at a nearby kindergarten, where the participants planned and took the first steps in the development of the kindergarten's garden together.

During the porcelain making workshops, participants learned about casting and colored porcelain. In addition to theoretical knowledge, they had the opportunity to practice casting, marbling, splattering, and firing already made objects. Throughout the workshops, participants gained fundamental knowledge of the porcelain-making process, including the theory of firing and glazing.

The architectural workshop project exhibition titled "A Different Look at Eleven - Architectural Workshop Project Presentation" was open until July 5th at the 1111 Gallery. For three weekends, from June 10th, weekend programs were organized for children aged 3-8, their parents, and grandparents. The activities included planning cities with playgrounds in every area, creating forttages, imagining and drawing buildings we will live in fifty years from now, and crafting a long street populated with people, animals, plants, and vehicles.

Participants in the marble casting workshops learned pouring, working with colored mass, and became acquainted with the material's "limits" and carving techniques.

In the workshops around bookbinding and visual storytelling participants individually bound their books using folding techniques demonstrated by the instructor. Utilizing their own brought images, poems, drawings, and short stories, participants filled the empty pages of their completed books in a personalized and creative manner. This hands-on approach added a unique and personal touch to each participant's crafted book, making the workshop experience even more meaningful.
