Modifier 05 September 2022
by UIA Permanent Secretariat

The European Urban Initiative: official agreement signed between the Region Hauts-de-France and the European Commission

The Region Hauts-de-France and European Commission have now officially signed an agreement for the management of the European Urban Initiative.

On May 5th, 2021, the European Commission published a call for expression of interest for the selection of an entrusted entity for the indirect management of the European Urban Initiative (EUI). Subsequently, the Region Hauts-de-France (the current Urban Innovative Actions’ Entrusted Entity) was selected to become the new Entrusted Entity for the EUI. With the recent signature of a Contribution Agreement, the Region Hauts-de-France is now in charge of the operational management of the European Urban Initiative.

Both Commissioner for Cohesion Policy and Reforms Elisa Ferreira and President of the Regions Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand highlighted the crucial role of the new Initiative in supporting EU cities that are facing pressing urban challenges in these uncertain times:

“Cities are faced with several acute challenges concerning notably their sustainability , the fight against poverty, the integration of migrants, the necessary resilience to health crisis, the adaptation to demographic change and the good management of the digital revolution Approaches involving citizens in urban development play an important role in tackling these challenges. I congratulate the Region “Hauts-de-France” for the signature of the Contribution Agreement to implement the European Urban Initiative and I am convinced that it will make the initiative a success. I am glad that a first innovative actions’ call of the EUI will be launched very soon in support of the New European Bauhaus that very much contributes to cities’ innovation and creativity to flourish.”

Commissioner for Cohesion Policy and Reforms Elisa Ferreira

"We thank the European Commission for its support in the implementation of the European Urban Initiative. We are a region strongly involved in European cooperation to find new answers jointly to challenges that have never been so important. The success of the urban innovative actions with very concrete projects in our cities, the experience and expertise acquired by our region have encouraged us to engage in this new initiative. Indeed, we need to find innovative answers to the problems that cross our cities in order to make them more sustainable and attractive. To do this, it will be essential to include the relevant partners and citizens in urban development and we are delighted to be able to support them in their projects through the European Urban Initiative and see the development of innovative solutions across Europe to solve the multiple challenges our cities are facing”.

President of the Region Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand

The joint press release is available here.
