12 oct 2016

Announcement of approved projects for the 1st call for Proposals

Announcement of approved projects
The UIA will be proud to announce the selected projects of the 1st Call for Proposals in Brussels on 12 October 2016, during the political event on the EU Urban Agenda at the EWRC.

The assessment procedure of the 378 applications received on 31st March is coming to an end, and 27 projects have been shortlisted for the last and final step of the assessment procedure, the operational assessment. The successful projects will be officially announced in Brussels during the "Political event on the Urban Agenda for the EU" on 12 October (14:00 – 17:00, code of the event URB12B98). This event takes place in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) in Brussels between 10 -13 October.

Don’t forget to book your seat on the event’s website and check the detailed agenda of the EWRC for more information!

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