The UIA Initiative has launched its fourth Call for Proposals. The call is aimed at providing urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges. It will remain open from 15 October 2018 until 31 January 2019 at 2pm CET. The budget for this call is approximately EUR 80-100 million ERDF.

Topics of the call

Digital transition

There  are  still large  differences  between  EU  cities&nb.. Lire la suite

Sustainable use of land and nature based solutions

Land is a finite and essential natural resource. Yet, it is subject to competing pressures.. Lire la suite

Urban poverty

One of the key objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy is to reduce the number of people at.. Lire la suite

Urban security

Ensuring Europeans’ safety is a multilevel governance policy, hence run at the European, n.. Lire la suite

Read the UIA Guidance

A must-read for all applicants! The UIA guidance is the main reference document of the Call and explains all the rules and requirements of an UIA project. It should therefore be read together with the Terms of Reference of the Call (see below).

A revised version of the guidance has been developed for Call 4, so please make sure to use this version while developing any project application. The UIA guidance is only available in English.

Download the Application Pack

Besides the UIA guidance, the application pack gathers all documents an applicant must consult while developing a project proposal. 
In addition to the documents and tools available in this page, the Permanent Secretariat will also organise several information and support activities for potential applicants (Applicant seminars, webinars, one-to-one consultations, etc.). More information available shortly.

The Terms of Reference for Call 4

(including detailed descriptions of the four Call topics) are available in all EU languages. Select your language through the scroll-down menu below. Please note that the English version is considered as the reference version for the Call.

All other resources

Clarification on Call 4 Terms of Reference: UIA rules regarding State aid


This document aims at clarifying a provision included in the Call 4 Terms of Reference regarding State aid rules applicable to UIA projects.

The courtesy working document of the Application Form


It is aimed at facilitating the development of your proposal, but cannot be used to formally submit your project (see section Apply below). It is only available in English and contains detailed guidance for each field of the Application Form. This detailed guidance can also be found in all EU languages in the online Application Form. Please note that English will be used as the reference language.

The Eurostat correspondence table


is the main reference for the eligibility check. Applicants are therefore strongly advised to check the spreadsheet and carry out an eligibility self-assessment before filling in the Application Form. In case of gaps, inconsistencies or doubts concerning the interpretation of the data included in this Eurostat spreadsheet, applicants are strongly advised to contact the UIA Permanent Secretariat.

The self-assessment tool


should help interested applicants to ask themselves the right questions around the main criteria used during the Strategic assessment. Interested organizations will thus be able to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of their current project concept through a spider diagram consolidating the different answers. This tool could be used at different times during project development in order to check its progress.

The Subsidy Contract


binds the MUA to the Entrusted Entity of the UIA Initiative. Besides the maximum amount of ERDF granted to the project, it provides all the conditions under which a project is approved and stipulates the legal basis for funding. The attached template is for information only. It does not need to be submitted together with the application form. In case the proposal is approved and supported, the Entrusted Entity will provide the MUA with signed copies.

The Partnership Agreement


is a legally binding document signed between all project partners. It sets out the duties and responsibilities of each project partner before, during and after the project implementation. The attached template is for information only. It does not need to be submitted together with the application form. In case the proposal is approved and supported, the UIA Permanent Secretariat will provide the MUA with the template.

The Technical Guidance EEP


will guide you through the UIA online platform where your Application Form has to be filled-in and formally submitted.


The submission of the Application Form and relevant annexes is 100% paperless through the use of UIA’s Electronic Exchange Platform (EEP). Applicants are strongly invited to register and create their Application Form early in the application process. Going through the different sections of the Application Form and reading the guidance for the different fields (available in all EU languages) will help applicants to better structure and design their project. The deadline for the submission of the Application Form is the 31 January 2019 at 2pm CET. 

To access the EEP and start your application, go here:


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Webinar Project management and communication strategy
Webinar on the Eligibility of Funds
Webinar on intervention logic and workplan