
Culture and cultural heritage

ForwArt - Moving forward with the power of art: from a place to hide to a place of pride

“Culture is important for the social cohesion in a city and performing arts in particular provide a unique platform for the exchange of multicultural backgrounds. In that context ForwArt provides youngsters with a better perspective via cultural expressions and supports them during complex societal challenges such as resisting the temptations of illicit activities.”

Marcelle Hendrickx, alderman responsible for culture, youth and education at the Municipality of Tilburg, member of the European Committee of the Regions
The project in numbers
different nationalities in North Tilburg
of youngsters in North Tilburg have a low level of education
of households in North Tilburg earn the minimum income
Total ERDF budget granted
Challenge addressed

Young people from North Tilburg have narrow perceived life opportunities and are hardly grasping their full potential in education or talent development. North Tilburg is the district with the highest proportion of residents with a low level of education (43.5% compared to 35.8% for the city as a whole). From as early as the age of 8 the street culture is dominant in influencing the behavior of youth. Criminal activities are undermining the social structures of the neighborhood and exposure to criminal behavior is high. Public service providers (such as police, youth work, housing association) are losing ground in reaching out and engaging with the youth.

Solution proposed

ForwArt explores how culture can become an agent for social transformation. It creates a cultural ecosystem in North Tilburg to help youth express the intrinsic culture inherent in them and thus built up subjective well-being. Supported by more responsive public services it works on the expressed challenges toturn the tide of criminal undermining in the area. ForwArt offers youth at risk wider perspectives, positive role models and alternative pathways than those leading to criminality; it aims to explore, discover, engage, develop, support & exhibit talent from the fringes of society, while their statuses shift from outcasts to role models.

ForwArt also creates permanent art expressions, to make the urban texture welcoming and open for individual expressions of culture and identity. Reflecting the identity of people living in North Tilburg, art could become an everyday experience for them. Various art products will be co-created (mountable sculptures, murals, graffiti, internal corridor designs) to which people can easily relate.

  • City of Tilburg;
  • 1 dance company: Corpo Máquina;
  • 1 national theatre company: Het Zuidelijk Toneel;
  • 2 public service providers: ContourdeTwern; WonenBreburg;
  • 1 education and training centre: Onderwijsgroep Tilburg;
  • 1 public company: Community Media Center Tilburg;
  • 1 local public authority: Police Zeeland-West-Brabant;
  • 1 infrastructure provider: BPD Development Ltd.;
  • 1 higher education and research institution: Tranzo, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioural Science, Tilburg University
Expected results

ForwArt will invest in North Tilburg to help inhabitants express the intrinsic culture inherent in them and thus build up subjective well-being. Supported by more responsive public services it will work on the expressed challenges and turn the tide of criminal undermining in the area. Its success will be measured on 4 dimensions: [1] subjective well-being, [2] undermining, [3] social art participation and practice [4] public service delivery. Among others, results will be: 

  • Eudaimonic well-being raised by 5% among youth (8-20) measured on Flourishing scale
  • 20 positive role-models established with artistic lifepaths
  • Reported criminal activity levels dropped by 10%
  • Perceived feeling of safety raised by 12%
  • Conflict resolution techniques raised for 100 inhabitants
  • 12 art performances prepared based on the life-situation, struggles, needs, and interests of local youth
  • Talent development for 100 young people
  • Public services are appreciated and responding to local needs +20%
  • Tilburg’s position among Dutch cities will improve with 5 positions in quality of “municipal services and relationship between the municipality and its citizens”  
Main milestones
  • February 2021: 4 refurbished apartments will open as an art residency initiative for artists to use as living and work space
  • March 2023: erecting 6 mountable public sculptures. All 6 sculptures will be created revolving around an artistic theme that depicts important events, heroes and stories of at-risk youngsters in North Tilburg
  • March 2023: 30 role models found during artistic activities and actively showcased as ambassadors for youth in (North) Tilburg
  • March 2023: implementation of urban art platform. The Art Platform will set the stage for a large number of artistic performances
  • April 2023: experimented with an innovative artistic match-funding scheme. This output will highlight the possibilities to scale up this funding scheme at the city level
The project in numbers
different nationalities in North Tilburg
of youngsters in North Tilburg have a low level of education
of households in North Tilburg earn the minimum income
Total ERDF budget granted
Contact of the project
Tanja Jansen-Hassouna
EU project manager
Zsuzsanna Kravalik
UIA Expert

Project news & events

ForwArt's legacy: the municipal point of view

ForwArt's legacy: the municipal point of view

In this final episode of the ForwArt podcast series, we sit down with Inez Raskovac, project manager, and Ulco Mes, cultural policy programme officer ...
The youth cultural fund is coordinated by Noordvoerders

Zoom-in 3: Elevating youth participation in North Tilburg

A Commitment to Youth Empowerment. A dedicated team of young individuals is making a difference through the Noordvoerders platform. Bridgebuilders bet...
Zoom-in 2

Zoom-in 2: How to win the hearts of youth

Join me as we delve into the impact of art interventions, hear inspiring stories from artists and young people as we discuss how art can be a catalyst...
Opening Studio Noord

Opening Studio Noord

Studio Noord is open! The creative workshop and meeting space for young people from Tilburg Noord....
Neighbourhood talks about the layout of Belaveld

Neighbourhood talks about the layout of Belaveld

How do we make Belaveld a nice place for young and old?...
T-reporters interviewing artist working on the Women Empowerment mural in North Tilburg

T-reporters around Europe

In the studio of Omroep Tilburg

Zoom-in 1: Engaging women in a masculine neighbourhood

Discussion about how the gender perspective became important in ForwArt project and how to give space to women in a neighbourhood renewal process....
Noordvoerders on the road to Belgium

Noordvoerders on the road to Belgium

Last month, the Noordvoerders team visited our southern neighbors in Ghent. Both cities are working on a project supported by UIA: ForwArt in Tilburg ...
Paul Cornelissen is opening up the door of the workshop at Verdiplein in North Tilburg

How to empower young residents - interview with Paul Cornelissen

I asked Paul Cornelissen, thematic project manager of ForwArt about his vision on youth empowerment and how is he turning it into reality within proje...
She is Tilburg Magazines

She is Tilburg Magazines

In recent months, the ladies of The Scene have created 2 magazines of their own, the She is Tilburg Magazine....
How's it like to grow up in tilburg-north?

How's it like to grow up in tilburg-north?

Growing up in Tilburg-North: what is it like? Is it right for people to have an opinion about Noord? And what do the young people want to pass on to f...
ForwArt activities

ForwArt activities in a week - photo essay

The occassion of the UIA officer Isabella Schneble's visit to Tilburg North provided an opportunity to have a glimpse into the artistic activitie...
Photos by Laura Knipsael


On Sunday 26 June, the Ypelaerpark in Tilburg North was the place to be during the YPIE_FEST. This culture festival, organized by young residents from...
Symposium 'The environment of young people in Tilburg-North'

Symposium 'The environment of young people in Tilburg-North'

Youth social services organisation R-Newt and youth platform the Noordvoerder, have recently organised a symposium about the living environment and co...
Fashion workshops are organised in North Tilburg to explore identity

Which artistic expression deserves public match-funding and who can decide on it?

Women from North Tilburg engaged in the preparation of The Scene performance with Het Zuidelijk Toneel

Engaged art in Europe

"Arts and culture deserve a similar acknowledgement of their relation to sustainable development as sport, as they have been proven to have socia...
Tilburg-North met again

Tilburg-North met again

Last autumn, officials of the municipality of Tilburg and partners in the district of Noord-Stokhasselt took a walk through the neighborhood. Why? To ...

Discoverables - Experiences in ForwArt monitoring of urban innovation

Tranzo gives insights into the challenges and first learning outcomes of the ForwArt monitoring by telling the story of Nadira...
Fashion Clash art workshops in Tilburg North

Youth participation in action

"A generation apart" - this frequent term makes us aware that youth participation is not an easy task to perform since those youngsters are ...
Second skin site

Second Skin

The School for Fashion of ROC Tilburg is also a partner of ForwArt. For the next 2.5 years, eight students from the School for Fashion will participat...
T-reporters photo Hassiba


One of the partners within ForwArt is Omroep Tilburg. Omroep Tilburg is a Community Media Center that creates diverse, accessible, creative and qualit...


11 partners signed the partnership agreement

ForwArt team photo

ForwArt partnership

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