
Between March 2021 and March 2023, these T-Reporters will make 150 items about themselves, the Tilburg Noord district and the ForwArt project.
In the coming period, many developments in Tilburg North will be portrayed by the T-reporters. Sometimes according to a fixed format, such as the 2 examples shown below. But the young people are also given the space to come up with their own input and ideas. One thing is for sure, the T-Reporters put Tilburg Noord in the spotlight.
Here you see 2 examples:
Iman El Jackson is a guest in one of the films. She is the sister of world champion freestyle football Nasser El Jackson, but also a lot of freestyle football herself. She tells the T-Reporter, among other things, how she looks at girls in football and what it is like to move in a "man's world". Watch the video here (Dutch spoken).
In another video Maryem Lhajoui speaks. The young Political Science student discusses, among other things, voting behavior in Tilburg North. Soon it will be elections again and everyone will be allowed to vote. Maryem explains, among other things, how important it is that young people in the Netherlands, but especially in the Tilburg North district, vote. Watch the video here (Dutch spoken).