Noordvoerders on the road to Belgium

Noordvoerders is a platform created to better engage young people within ForwArt and neighborhood developments. On the platform they can have their voices heard offline and online about the plans for the neighborhood. Participation is possible at any time and for different projects. It is also possible for young people to submit a project or question themselves.
The trip was organized by the municipality of Tilburg as a source of inspiration for neighborhood-oriented work, of which young people are of course also a part.
Ghent, like Tilburg, is a diverse city. Especially in certain neighborhoods, many different communities have emerged over the years. The visit also gave an insight into the work of community workers and neighborhood directors in Ghent. One of the projects they do is a play street. Here children can play freely, while neighbors meet by eating together and watching a movie together. They also have street ambassadors in their neighborhood. These are simply local residents who act as ambassadors in their own neighborhood and let people connect by meeting.
Afterwards, together with the municipality, cultural institutions and the local heritage museum, we visited STAM. Here the history of the people of Ghent is safeguarded and a fantastic map of Ghent from the air in large format has been placed in the museum. A unique way to view a city.
It was an educational exchange with a lot of inspiration.