SASMob Project at Szeged Environmental Management Company („Szegedi Környezetgazdálkodási Nonprofit Kft.”)

In Városgazda sor, a 14×3-metre scooter shelter, while at the Sándorfalvi út site, a 7×3-metre bike shelter offer safe vehicle storage.
Cycling is not only enjoyable but is also healthy. Nowadays, unfortunately, more people drive cars than bicycles. One of the reasons is that the conditions of safe cycling or scooter use are not established.
Our company group has established the conditions of bike commuting by building bicycle shelters and installing air compressors in them (to inflate flat tyres).
Positive feedback has been received from several employees, who said cycling had a good effect on their circulation and joints and reduced their level of stress and weight. As a result of the SASMob Project, travelling by bike became a lifestyle to them, which was supported by the measures introduced by our company group in 2019 to inspire biking in the city. One of these, as an example, was to grant one day of extra holiday to employees who go to work on at least 125 days in a given year.
Regular cycling also reduces the risk of the development of certain diseases. In the framework of a SASMob tender, 20 employee bicycles were purchased by our company group, which are made available to its employees for commuting and private use free of charge, even for longer periods of time. Due to the current pandemic, cycling, as an alternative to public transport, is one of the safest and greenest ways of daily commuting.
Identifying with the goals of the SASMob tender, our company group has set the aim of changing the mobility habits of its employees – in particular, changing (i.e. reducing) employees’ motor vehicle usage intensity.
Our key priorities are to reach the largest possible number of employees in the framework of the tender (events organised by ourselves, Cyclist Breakfast, Earth Day family event) and to communicate that people should go to work by bicycle or public transport rather than by car, thus creating active and environmentally friendly commuting.