Join our study visit to learn more about SASMob in Szeged!

Szeged is a pioneering city in Hungary with regards to mobility management. Over the past 15 years, Szeged has implemented several mobility solutions. These include establishing traffic calming zones; improving cycling infrastructure; creating new bus lines; expanding and reconstructing its tram and trolleybus network and providing comfort services for public transport users such as wi-fi network on board and contactless payment for the public transport tickets.
As many of these were implemented due to committed CIVITAS involvement, Szeged received the CIVITAS Legacy Award in 2018.
Within this visit Szeged aims to:
• share its participatory mobility development experiences,
• have inspiring debates about the future challenges of mobility management in middle-size cities with colleagues from Europe.
What are the benefits for a local authority to work together with private and public companies towards sustainable mobility? What are the benefits and difficulties of collaboration? How can benefits for employers be calculated within strict market constraints? How can we generate data on mobility patterns and how can we use them for smarter mobility planning? How to balance between bicycle promotion and public transport development within municipal budget? What are the best actions for behaviour change? These are the questions that interest the city of Szeged and these are the issues the city wants to share its insights with other cities in Europe.
We plan to organise dynamic and interactive activities aiming to facilitate immersion into the local mobility solutions and a mix of different types of actions which would allow a free flow of knowledge exchange between host city partners and the visiting city representatives. We plan to organise more formal demonstration events along with more relaxed action learning events, which would create an open atmosphere for learning and exchanging ideas, viewpoints and impressions.
During the CIVITAS study visit, the following themes will be explored: clean fuels and vehicles, collective passenger transport, car-independent lifestyle, integrated planning, mobility management and public involvement.
Find the draft agenda here. Send your application form to Arianna Americo from EUROCITIES - by 20 March 2020.