European Regional Development Fund
Find inspiration and innovative solutions for your city
One of the components within the Urban Soil 4 Food (US4F) project in Maribor has been the support to innovative products in the field of circular econ...
The Urban Soil 4 Food (US4F) project reached its end, and this last Journal aims at reconstructing its journey and the impacts it has reached. The Cit...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti reports on the period between February and November 2020 during which “all sorts of contests were carried out for the product...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti explores Maribor’s experience with “what has happened to the urban gardens, mainly focusing on the possibilities of the futur...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti provides details how Maribor “wants to improve the local food distribution chain through the development of an online platfor...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti reports that “Urban Soil 4 Food has entered the operational phase! Just like the preparation of the soil for the planting, ju...
UIA Expert Daniela Patti “explores the importance of soil and how the project is creating new one through urban organic and construction waste (excava...
Get to know what Maribor is doing in the first UIA Expert journal!...
Maribor is ready to open up for the next stage of the project! ...
This latest Journal of the MAC Project is a critical narrative of a project that encountered many complicated moments to deal with during its implemen...
UIA Expert Pietro Elisei highlights in this video the steps being taken to bring new opportunities to the Monterusciello neighbourhood...
There are several elements of innovation within the urban regeneration path activated by the MAC project in Pozzuoli. ...
The current issue of the Journal focuses on the design and implementation path that has characterized the last 12 months, underlining the positive imp...
In this edition of MAC Journal, UIA Experts Pietro Elisei presents the implementation challenges and developments faced by the project. ...
Get to know better what Pozzuoli is doing on urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal. ...
UIA Expert Pietro Elisei has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Pozzuol...
Get the latest news about Pozzuoli’s project!...
The UIA Expert Pietro Elisei, in the second zoom-in for the MAC project, focuses his lens on the project process and on design pillars. ...
The City government of Milan decided to set up an urban coalition with a series of partners (Universities, companies, associations) in order to apply ...
The last year of OpenAgri wasn’t an easy one. After more than three years, the project is coming to an end, and it is time to celebrate its results an...
The Municipality of Milan organised in June a two day event to discuss the future skills, new technologies, narratives and policies with which cities ...
In this last Zoom-in of Open-Agri, UIA Expert Miguel Sousa reflects on how the project has embedded an urban metabolism approach, with the aim of ensu...
In the fourth edition of OpenAgri Journal, the UIA Expert Miguel Sousa, presents the synergies and integration of the project into the broader Milan C...
Read the final report with conclusions from the jobs and skills in the local economy capitalisation activities...
Get to know better what Milan is doing in this UIA Expert journal!...
UIA Expert Miguel Sousa has been collecting the knowledge stemming from the implementation of the innovative solution proposed by the City of Milan fo...
In this first Zoom-In, the UIA Expert Miguel Sousa looked at one of the innovative aspects of the OpenAgri project in Milan, the Experimentation Labor...
In the third edition of the OpenAgri journal, the UIA expert Miguel Sousa, gives a complete overview of the latest development and challenges faced by...
In this Zoom-in, Miguel Sousa, UIA Expert for the OpenAgri presents an innovative instrument developed in the framework of the project: The Open Badge...
Get to know better what Lille is doing on the topic urban poverty in this UIA Expert journal....
This last journal of the UIA TAST’in FIVES project accounts for the evolution of the project after UIA funding was stopped. It details the way it has ...
This Journal accounts for the overall achievements of the UIA TAST’in FIVES project after 3 years of implementation and in light of the prefiguration ...
Refugee Food Festival at L’Avant-goût (Lille) -©Charles Mangin In light of the experiences taking place throughout Europe, this article observes th...
Workshop on Libanese food (c)Les Sens du Goût The UIA TAST’in FIVES project, taking place in the Fives neighbourhood of Lille, France, has aimed at...
This Zoom-In presents an infographic of the analysis contained in the article Food-related activities as a leverage against urban poverty. It is based...
Faced with several issues that consistently delayed the works of the community kitchen and the surrounding spaces (mainly due to additional depollutio...
Breda's GreenQuays project served as a pioneering initiative to infuse more nature into the densely built medieval city centre by revitalising the riv...
Green Quays offers valuable lessons for harmonising urban developments with the desires and needs of their citizens. It has been a radically innovativ...
It is done! September 2023 – the GreenQuays have been built. In the middle of Breda, a new stretch of the river Mark has been uncovered and a new type...
The third Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project continues to deal with seven general implementation challenges of innovative project as well ...
The main innovative feature of the GreenQuays in Breda is to build them nature-inclusive. For achieving this, the construction will lay the foundation...
This Zoom in 2 looks into the experience, challenges and lessons learned with developing the multifunctional design and the implementation. Can it be ...
While most of the innovative tasks of planning the quays and testing different technical solutions have finished, GreenQuays is still running with the...
After 2,5 years of preparation the construction of the GreenQuays has started end of June 2022. A first stretch of the covered river Mark in Breda‘s c...
Breda is on the way to re-open its first pilot section of the broader river Mark projects, in which the city will bring back the old river Mark in the...
GreenQuays will be a first stretch of the reopened River Mark project in the city centre. The project will enable nature to take the space despite t...
The second Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project continues to deal with the seven major implementation challenges of innovative projects....
Building nature-inclusive quays is the task of the GreenQuays project and, at the same time, its challenge. How can nature be offered space in a dense...
The mindset on designing and using public urban space has changed in Breda in the 1990’s. Earlier, the city had decided to cover completely the origin...
Nature-Inclusive Quays (NIQ) are the core of innovative solutions of the GreenQuays project in Breda. The vertical quay walls of the reopened river Ma...
The first Journal of GreenQuays explores how the project deals with seven major implementation challenges of innovative projects....
Coming to the GreenQuays project team in Breda for the first time in June 2020, I have been hooked by the creative design of the planned nature-inclus...
Breda is a lovely city. The dense middle-age centre has many small streets and places to stroll around. This density does, however, leave only little ...
The most important goal achieved by the Upper Project is that knowledge of NbSs and their potential impact on marginal areas has been gained by the lo...
The Productive parks and Demonstration sites included in the Upper project today represent milestones from which the current and future government of ...
The results of the UPPER project demonstrate how NbS (Nature Based Solutions) offer the opportunity to practice transdisciplinary dialogues, to spread...
There were various environmental critical issues highlighted by the UPPER project for the territory of the Municipality of Latina, for which a range o...
The Canale delle Acque Medie (The Canal of the Middle Waters) symbolizes an element of structural interest for the urban center of Latina, representin...
After the success of the 2021 edition, the 2022 UPPER SEEDs were kicked off on 13 June. The activities in which citizens, schools and all those who h...
The selection of participants in the second edition of UPPER JOBS has been completed. The participants selected by the Labirinto Social Cooperative ha...
Thanks to the creation of two innovative platforms developed by the partners and integrated into a common observatory, the UPPER project is able to co...
The Journal is aimed to describe the activities of the UPPER project and the results achieved during the first period of implementation. It also descr...
UPPER project aims at transforming misused and abandoned urban green areas into Productive Parks (PP) devoted to research, technological development a...
This Journal 1 of the Green Minds project is providing insights on the first significant advancements in favour of rewilding and nature-based solution...
How the implementation of the Green Minds project successfully continued over the tough period of the pandemic by seizing the embedded opportunities ...
The GreenQuays project in Breda aims to develop and establish nature-inclusive quays. Although it was not in focus when developing the project, this Z...
The territory changes with physical work, but also through the story, the memory, the imagination of change. The UPPER stories are a collection of n...
Keeping the balance between doing too much and not doing enough is challenging, implicitly necessitating an overall integrated perspective and strateg...
How the Green Minds team aims to put nature at the heart of our decision making; encouraging individual connection with nature and a city-wide shift t...
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Journal 4 (March 2020)
Maribor_Urban Soil4Food_How to set pu a short foodchain distribution platform?
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Journal 3 (Octb 2019)
Maribor_UrbanSoil4Food_Zoom-in 1 (Dcb 2019)
Maribor_Urban Soil 4 Food_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2019)
Maribor_Urban Soil 4 Food_UIAExpertJournal1 (Nvb 2018)
Urban Soil 4 Food @Maribor - Journal 5
Pozzuoli_MAC_Journal 5 (April 2020)
Pozzuoli_MAC_Zoom-in (Sptb 2019)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal4 (March 2019)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal2 (May 2018)
Pozzuoli_MAC_UIAExpertJournal1 (Dcb 2017)
Milan_OpenAgri_Journal 4
Milan_OpenAgri_Zoom-in (Sptb 2019)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal3 (Nvb 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_Zoom-in 1 (Sptb 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal2 (June 2018)
Milan_OpenAgri_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Participative Urban Metabolism Open Agri - ZOOM IN 3
OpenAgri @Milan - Journal5
Lille_TAST'inFIVES_UIAExpertJournal 1 (Dcb 2017)
Lille_TAST'inFIVES_UIAExpertJournal 2 (Octb 2018)