The UPPER project ended on 31 August 2023 with the final event that took place at the De Pasquale hall of the Municipality of Latina. However, the activities at the sites subject to the interventions continued even after the official conclusion of the project. For example, it can be mentioned that the environmental monitoring activities were continued by Ce.R.S.I.Te.S. thanks to the data collected by the ENGIE control units.
The collaboration with the schools continued, carrying on the activities already started previously. Several schools are demonstrating a continued commitment to nature-based educational activities, utilizing their own resources and external support. G.B. Grassi High School proactively maintains its existing outdoor classrooms and school gardens. They have also expressed their strong interest in renewing their collaborative agreement with the municipality for managing this valuable green space. IC G. Giuliano has secured additional funding from the Ministry of Education to revitalize its school garden and orchards. This project builds upon the groundwork laid out during the UPPER Seeds initiative. The school also continues key nature-based activities, particularly school gardening and outdoor theatre, activities initiated during the UPPER project. IC T.Tasso has actively engaged some of the UPPER stakeholders in its eco-committees. Together, they organize further initiatives like recycling days, school garden maintenance, and environmental education programs.
As regards the infrastructural works, examples of interventions carried out include:
- Creation of green spaces in urban areas or peri-urban forestry, functional to mitigate the effects of climate change.
- Use of reflective/low heat absorption materials, for example for paving/street furniture, shading structures.
- Creation of climate-friendly building interventions, green roofs and walls, shading tree barriers, insulation and natural ventilation systems, cold roofs and ventilated roofs, etc.
- Creation of rainwater collection systems, with purification and accumulation aimed at recycling for non-human uses, for a more efficient and rational use of water resources, also with a view to innovation and smart cities.
- Interventions aimed at recycling and reusing purified wastewater, with the aim of using the water resource for other purposes (e.g. agriculture, irrigation of parks and gardens, street washing, ornamental uses also for improving the use and microclimate of public spaces, etc.) and to reinforce circularity practices in the management of the integrated water cycle.
- Creation, expansion or reconstruction in urban areas of pedestrian areas, parking lots, roadsides, paths, etc., with the removal of existing paving and the restoration of soil permeability in terms of urban regeneration.
- Experimentation in public spaces of solutions for sustainable urban drainage, intended in terms of urban regeneration, such as multifunctional squares/spaces or structures, basins, tanks designed to collect and drain rainwater in the event of particularly intense rainfall.