During the reporting period, the Municipality of Latina, supported by technical assistance (an external expertise team for project management support), made a great effort in order to coordinate partners in carrying out activities. Important results were achieved. First, the feasibility study for the realization of the three Productive Parks (PP) was approved. Subsequently, first the final design for PP2 and then the final designs for PP1 Campo Boario and PP3 via Massaro were approved. However, the delays due to political instability inside the Municipality of Latina led to difficulties in the execution of some activities as planned. The delay in the implementation of the productive parks also generated consequent problems in some of the activities under the responsibility of different partners, such as Labirinto, Engie, Cersites. Despite this, through strong cooperation and mutual support, alternative solutions were found in order to achieve project goals.
The Demonstration Sites (DS) were reduced from 8 to 6, eliminating DS4 Green Area near Torre Pontina and DS8 Middle Water Canal. This because DS4, characterized by the presence of a large shopping mall, appeared of little interest to residents, while in the areas bordering the "Middle Waters" canal a higher level of resident participation emerged. So, the design idea of the "Middle Waters" park as a reconnection of marginal part of the city was developed. Instead, part of DS8 was included in the PP1 project and will serve as a pilot project for the remaining part of DS8 and DS9 along the Paolone and Morbella ditches, which are currently not being implemented.
In February 2023, it was assumed that none of the three production parks would be built, however thanks to the final effort desired by the municipal administration it was possible to guarantee immediate financial coverage for the PP1 in Campo Boario and therefore the start of the works during the UPPER project, to date the works have reached approximately 80% of the forecast and they can be completed within the conclusion of the project.
Subsequently, the two other PPs will also be implemented with the resources of the ERDF 2021-2027 thanks to the city own resources. The Municipality of Latina managed to start working on the park and above all the local government approved the inclusion in the Three-Year Plan of Public Works (“Programma Triennale dei lavori pubblici”). The Three-Year Plan of Public Works is an instrument foreseen by the Italian National Procurement Code that includes the list of public works to be carried out by local authorities over the three-year period in compliance with the local planning initiatives, and in line with the budget of the local authorities. Regarding the budget, the funds are now guaranteed by Lazio Region using the new ERDF program.