The glossary was last updated on 10/05/2016
Panel of External Experts

 The Panel of External Experts is in charge of the strategic assessment of the admissible and elegible Application Forms. Set up through Calls for Applicants,  the Panel is composed of indipendent experts with in depth knowledge of the topic of relevance for each Call for Proposals; a good understanding of the urban dimension of EU policies; a proven track record in assessing applications of urban projects. The panel shall be geographically balanced and ensure that the territorial diversity of the EU's urban areas is taken into account.  

Partnership Agreement (PA)

Contract signed between all the project partners containing all duties and responsibilities of each project partner before, during and after the project implementation.

Permanent Secretariat (PS)

Composed by a team of experienced professionals, it serves as "one-stop-shop" for all urban authorities and stakeholders involved in the UIA Initiative.

Progress report

A written document submitted by approved projects on a regular basis (reporting period), describing the activities implemented, the deliverables/outputs produced, the results achieved, the resources used…

Project Partner (PP)

Urban Authorities and delivery partners involved in the project implementation; they are listed in the approved application form.