
Integration of migrants and refugees


“Coventry has a long and proud history of opening it arms and welcoming people who choose to make the city their home. I’m delighted with this award and I’m excited about the projects it will help deliver not just in Coventry but across the West Midlands. The MiFRIENDLY Cities project recognises the valuable contribution refugees and migrants make to our communities and how we can all benefit from their integration.”

Cllr Abdul Khan, Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Policing and Equalities
The project in numbers
of Coventry's population was born outside the UK.
languages spoken in the city
of Coventry's inhabitants from ethnic minority communities
EUR 4,280,639.20
Total ERDF budget granted
Challenge addressed

Coventry is a part of the West Midlands (WM)-the most diverse region in the UK outside Greater London and the second most diverse in the whole of the EU. With Coventry contributing to this diversity, it has the highest internal migration after London. Coventry is home to people arriving directly from abroad for economic reasons, seeking asylum and family reunion, the region is also home to many refugees and migrants who arrive from other parts of the UK. The Migration friendly cities will bring Coventry, Wolverhampton and Birmingham (other parts of West midlands) coming together to address the below challenges:

1) WM urban authorities have seen up to 40% cuts from their budgets under UK government austerity measures
2) Refugees and migrants in the region are twice as likely to be unemployed as non-migrants
3) Knowledge of public health messages is consistently low among migrants and refugees in the region.
4) Prejudice in the WM towards refugees and migrants is rapidly increasing
5) Refugees and migrants have low levels of awareness of rights and often struggle to access services.


Solution proposed

A MiFRIENDLY Cities is a regional approach that will be underpinned by the voices, skills and passion of refugees and migrants themselves across the region.

Solutions include:

1.      New job opportunities/accredited training and upskilling employers for better engagement with refugees and migrants,
2.      Health champions trained to deliver public health messages and raising awareness in the population to reduce unwanted demand.
3.      Mentoring, financing and supporting social enterprises to tackle challenges identified in this proposal.
4.      Activities supporting active citizenship and rights, including training refugees and migrants as Citizen Journalists and Citizen Social Scientists to evaluate success of the project.


  • Coventry City Council
  • Wolverhampton City Council 
  • Birmingham City Council
  • Coventry University
  • Interserve - multinational company
  • Migrant Voice (MV) - local migration network
  • Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre (CRMC);
  • The Refugee and Migrant Centre (RMC);
  • Coventry University Social Enterprises (CUSE)
  • Central England Law Centre (CELC) - NGO
  • Migration Work (MW) - NGO


Expected results

1. Better use of limited financial resource driving long-term lasting change between 3 Local authorities.
2. The employment rate of refugees and migrants in the WM is increased by 15% over 3 years.
3. 20% more refugees and migrants in the WM accessing primary prevention healthcare screening including for latent TB, cervical cancer, breast cancer, HIV leading to improved communitywide public health outcomes
4. Social participation of refugee and migrant communities in grassroots activities aimed at increasing solidarity by 10% and engendering improvements in feelings of belonging.
5. Awareness of rights and how to access them among refugees and migrants is increased by 10%, engendering increased feelings of active citizenship
6. The MiFRIENDLY Cities approach is embedded within existing and future regional and city plans and public policy is positively influenced by MiFRIENDLY Cities activities

Main milestones

June 2018: Laying the foundations
October 2018: MiFriendly cities basic structures set up
April 2019: Getting our key projects delivered
October 2019: MiFriendly cities progress so far
June 2020: Active Citizenship and Social Enterprising in MiFRIENDLY CITIES
February 2021: The legacy continues


The project in numbers
of Coventry's population was born outside the UK.
languages spoken in the city
of Coventry's inhabitants from ethnic minority communities
EUR 4,280,639.20
Total ERDF budget granted
Contact of the project
Navjot Johal
Programme Delivery Manager
Peter Wolkowinski
UIA expert

Project news & events

How to unite forces and energies and create friendly cities for all

Create your collective energy in a MiFC platform

Search below for such wonders of the project, as; - how to become a common platform, with your own powers, - how to cement partnerships between all ...
The MY CITY EXHIBITION by MAOKWO is a virtual exhibition of artists and participants of the MiFriendly CIties project, showing their relationship to the cities they live in and they have come to love.

Coventry Zoom-in 3: The unexpected results and actions of EMPOWERED MIGRANTS CREATING, DEVELOPING AND EVOLVING - positive evolutions of individuals, associations and local authorities

This final ZOOM-IN 3 concentrates on the unexpected results of the project, of which, there are many. They are surprising and show how strong individu...
Register to MiFriendly Cities closure event!

Register to MiFriendly Cities closure event!

For three years, the MiFriendly Cities project has been delivering an exciting programme of 31 activities and programmes in the West Midlands, UK, des...
MiFriendly Cities Journal 5: XXI century heroes – Social Enterprises and Social Innovations leading the way

MiFriendly Cities Journal 5: XXI century heroes – Social Enterprises and Social Innovations leading the way

In this Journal, UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski shows “the incredible resilience of many of the MiFriendly Cities partners and participants"....
Picture with project logo

A Review of #SymbolsofHome Social Media Campaign

With the UK entering a COVID-19 lockdown at the end of March 2020, many communications opportunities for MiFriendly Cities (MiFC) were deferred. Nonet...
Coventry project journal 4

Coventry Journal 4: ‘Share My Language’ sessions

UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski demonstrates “how, in normal circumstances the mixing of people coming from different countries and walks of life, can be...
Share my language

Share my language

As we approach the end of the project, MiFriendly Cities will focus on ways in which the project can ‘live on’ when delivery ends. One project area we...
A Reflection of MiFriendly Cities’ Employability Provisions

A Reflection of MiFriendly Cities’ Employability Provisions

MiFriendly Cities has a focus on ‘opportunity’. In terms of employability, this means giving people born outside the UK the opportunity to access adv...
Coventry Zoom-in 2: Changing Realities in the West Midlands

Coventry Zoom-in 2: Changing Realities in the West Midlands

UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski reveals how the project has developed its impact measurement. ...
Coventry Journal 3: Looking towards the future

Coventry Journal 3: Looking towards the future

UIA Expert Peter Wolkowinski shares that “MiFriendly Cities has been running for 18 months and to celebrate this interim juncture partners have been l...
MiFriendly at the Global Peace Forum

MiFriendly at the Global Peace Forum

MiFriendly Cities celebrated reaching its halfway point by partnering with RISING Global Peace Forum, which ran from 13th-15th November at Coventry Ca...
Eight social enterprises awarded in Coventry and Birmingham!

Eight social enterprises awarded in Coventry and Birmingham!

As part of the project’s Social Enterprise scheme, MiFriendly Cities is offering refugees and migrants in Coventry, Birmingham and Wolverhampton the o...
Case study Mifriendly Cities Ali Abdul

Case study: How a holistic employment and skills initiative is helping migrants to fulfill their goals

MiFriendly Cities was set out in March 2018 to deliver a unique employment and skills programme in the West Midlands, focusing on filling skills gaps ...
Mifriendly Cities Journal 2

MiFriendly Cities Journal 2: Meeting, talking and confidence building

The essential elements of creating communities, innovation and social enterprises...
MIFRIENDLY Pop-up factory

Launching Coventry’s Pop-up Furniture Factory

MiFriendly Cities is investing in the launch of two Pop-up Furniture Factories in Wolverhampton and Coventry to support activities aimed at community-...
MIFRIENDLY Social Innovation Pitch Day

Social Innovation Pitch Day

On Saturday 30 March, MiFriendly Cities held its Social Innovation Pitch Day in Birmingham, where a panel of judges and attendees from communities acr...
Coventry Zoom in Mifriendly cities

MiFRIENDLY CITIES Zoom-in 1: How an exemplary city/university partnership gives birth to a wellbeing FabLab

A bottom-up dominated adaptation to the needs of migrants and refugees in building a ‘Coventry for all’...
MiFriendly Cities

Project Implementation: Social enterprise, community innovation and empowering through language

Having moved into the implementation stages of the project, MiFriendly Cities finished 2018 with the successful launch of three initiatives, creating ...

MiFRIENDLY CITIES UIA Expert Journal – recognising the contribution of migrants and refugees to the wider community

UIA Expert, Peter Wolkowinski, gives a first look on how the project is being implemented ...
Project meeting

Reflecting on 6 months of developing MiFriendly Cities in Coventry, Birmingham and Wolverhampton

Managing the complexities of this multi-city initiative has meant six months filled with challenges, learning and innovative developments for the MiFr...
Launch MIFRIENDLY project Coventry

MiFriendly Cities holds official launch to celebrate funding for new opportunities for communities across the West Midlands

The UIA City of Coventry held its public launch for the MiFriendly Cities project at the city’s iconic cathedral on 5th June. The event was both a cel...
MiFriendly project team

An atmosphere of excitement as the MiFriendly Cities partners collaborate to drive the project forward in the West Midlands

What does it take to make city more refugee and migrant friendly? At the beginning of March 2018, the MiFriendly Cities project was officially launche...

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