Project news
MiFRIENDLY CITIES Coventry, United Kingdom
Edit 23 July 2019

Case study: How a holistic employment and skills initiative is helping migrants to fulfill their goals

Case study Mifriendly Cities Ali Abdul
MiFriendly Cities was set out in March 2018 to deliver a unique employment and skills programme in the West Midlands, focusing on filling skills gaps specific to the region and highlighting migrants as an asset to both employers and the wider public.

To deliver the initiative our MiFriendly Employment Brokers have taken on a dual role, both identifying and supporting migrants with the relevant skills and building relationships with employers to match clients to roles, identify training opportunities and to make employment processes more refugee and migrant friendly. 

Over 15 months of delivery, the model has evolved in reaction to the varying needs of the clients coming through the project and to also widen the scope of the initiative. 

The initial framework concentrated on working with the existing clients accessing services through the refugee and migrant centres across the three cities, who would then feed into the opportunities created by the project and be linked with relevant employers. 

A 6-week programme was developed to create a journey for clients through the project, utilizing a ‘Red Amber Green’ (RAG) assessment to determine their suitability for different provisions. E.g. a ‘red’ classification would indicate that the client needed to start with English support before progressing onto other opportunities.

However, the specific needs of clients and the time commitment needed to go through a fixed programme meant the offer needed to change and be tailored to the needs of the individuals, and so that the reach of the services could expand beyond the walls of the refugee and migrant centres. 

The project is now using a caseload approach, which is more person-centred and has allowed each Broker to build strong relationships with the clients, with trust proving to be an important part of the process. 

The model aims to go beyond services already on offer, by looking to not simply support migrants into employment but to really nurture the skills and passion of each individual by finding opportunities for them to make a meaningful contribution to the city and increasing their sense of belonging. 


Case Study: Ali Abdul

Ali is a Syrian national who came to the UK seeking safety in 2018 and was granted refugee status.

When Ali arrived, he was worried because he didn’t know anything about the country and could not speak English. He came to the Refugee and Migrant Centre (Birmingham and the Black Country) for assistance and initially worked with dedicated caseworkers on their Syrian Resettlement Team to overcome some of the challenges he faced.

RMC caseworkers could see the huge potential Ali had, and wanted to help him feel more at home in the UK. They decided he would be an ideal candidate for referral to the MiFriendly Cities project, which could offer him unique one-to-one support and courses to get him more active in his community.

A personal development plan was created for Ali by the project’s Employment Broker, which provided him with a holistic integration programme. 

During this period, Ali completed an Open College Network Level 1 Digital Fabrication Course and an ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) course. The MiFriendly Cities project also provided him with the opportunity to meet new people and form friendships. 

But his journey with MiFriendly Cities didn’t end there. 

Ali’s dream is to start his own mobile phone repair business – having worked in the industry for over 20 years in Syria – and so he signed up to the four-week social enterprise course provided by the project with CU Social Enterprise.

The course supported Ali to develop his idea into a business aimed at addressing social challenges where he lives. It also taught him the skills to create a business plan, and CUSE worked with him to build his confidence towards pitching for a €5000 grant from the project. 

Ali pitched to an expert panel of judges, who awarded him the funding to start his social enterprise. Profits from the business will go back into the community, providing phone and computer repairs for low income families and offering opportunities for work experience. 

Currently, Ali is enrolled on a functional skills course at an adult education college in Wolverhampton, where is he is focusing on English and Mathematics. 

He said: “I found the six week programme very helpful because I am more confident in speaking English, although I still believe and know that I need to keep improving this. I am very thankful for the MiFriendly Cities project, which has given me the tools I need to help secure a bright future for my family and I in my new homeland, the UK.”

Author: The MiFriendly Cities project team



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