Edit 15 February 2017

Watch our webinar on UIA partnerships

On 9 February, the UIA hosted the second of a series of four webinars to support applicants in the second Call for Proposals focusing on the creation of UIA partnerships.

Urban Innovative actions provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges. Because of the complexity of UIA projects, urban authorities shall design and implement these projects in close partnership with relevant local stakeholders. Therefore the quality and relevance of the partnership is among the main Selection Criteria for UIA projects. It accounts for 15 % of the weighting when the proposals are assessed by the UIA Panel of External Experts.

During the webinar, the UIA Permanent Secretariat introduced the main requirements and eligibility criteria for urban authorities. The different types of eligible urban authorities were presented and for each of them, examples were given on how to check whether they are eligible.

Building on the experience of the first Call for Proposals and especially on the selected projects, the UIA Permanent Secretariat also stressed the need to co-design and co-implement the project with all relevant stakeholders and partners. Examples of possible engagement mechanisms from successful cities were mentioned to inspire interested applicants.

The presentation is also included in this page. If you missed the webinar, you can watch it here:



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